The Lengths JWs Go To In Order To Get Away With Things

by minimus 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • DublDipd

    uh em....I meant that if the pub says "good luck" he will probably be destroyed forever. Got to pissed to be concerned with proper verbage!

  • DublDipd

    Hey Cardinal...

    I glad that your Grandma decided to "hang tough"! It's just sad that her last "Christmas" probably was celebrated with a lot of inner guilt on her part. If was anything like my G'ma, even when they get close to what she percieved as "breaking the rules", you could tell she had guiltly feelings about it. Makes me so mad now!

  • tribalgirl

    Yeah, my family always had what we called "family day", all the cousins, aunts, uncles, etc. would get together and unload TONS of gifts on everyone. All wrapped and everything. I always took it to mean that we were making up for missing out on all the other holidays. Go figure...

    And we also had a turkey day, always a day or two before or after the real one. LOL.

    What a joke.

  • XOCO

    i remwmber a couple of years ago where our presiding overseer gave a semi-talk about the kinds of music we should be listening to.

    1) KM melodies

    2) no rap music b/c of all the dirty lang reference and vulgar.

    OK after hearing that talk i've started to listen to rock metal, indie afro-punk music. i thought that was acceptable b/c no cussin or degrading women but about 2 and a 1/2 weeks ago a brother gave a talk about not listening to rock or alternative which i like the most or r&b which now talks about sex more than ever What.

    XOCO rock on!!!

  • minimus

    Here' one I like:"I HAVE to go with my (worldly) husband to his Christmas party".

  • Burger Time
    Burger Time

    How about music that has been "cleaned". I remember lots of families found it OK to buy "clean" records. One time I was riding in a car with some "hip" JW Mom and a rap song came on. Everyone was singing along, imagine my surprise when I didn't "bleep" myself and was the only one who said the "bad" word. I was looked at as if I had just cursed Jehovah! My brother tried to reprimand me for it since I was the embarrassing "bad" younger brother. I quickly told him they shouldn't have a double standard. It was so stupid.

  • zack

    At my old job, since I didn't "do" Christmas, they changed the wording of Christmas party, to "YEAR END" party. I thought what a nice thing that was for someone to do for me.

    So, even worldlies felt sorry for me because of the religion. And if ever asked about the office party, I would just say it was "the year end party."

    And while on the subject, I never knew a witness to turn down a :Christmas Bonus" simply because it was Christmas. They would rationalize and say it was just the end of the year and that was company policy. DUh!..... same as the Christmas party.

    Happy to be free!

  • minimus

    The biggest hypocrites were the elders and their families that celebrated "Family Day" on either Dec. 24, 25 or 26. Either celebrate the holidays or don't!

  • jaguarbass

    I remember an elder who would say dang nab it.

    I thought that was the Wactower version of God damn it.

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