There's nothing to indicate that the sun is on some kind of timer like that to go super nova. In fact, just the opposite, with the constant expansion of the universe.
Earth will or will not pass/fade away?
by bite me 13 Replies latest watchtower bible
Actually the Sun lacks the mass to go nova. What it will do though is swell into a red giant in about 5billion years or so, and it may or may not engulf the Earth. So either the Earth will be burnt to a crisp or it will encounter the Sun's outer layers and friction with the sun will cause it to lose orbital energy which will cause it to fall deeper into the sun until it evaporates. Either way the earth has about 5 billion years left as a planet. Life may go a bit sooner as the sun slowly increases its output over time. Some theorize Earth may become uninhabitable in about 500 million years.
Nathan Natas
Next Thursday.
Pass it on!
The following article contains the for and against scriptures for the earth remaining forever.