I miss this place

by StillGroggy 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • StillGroggy

    Hey all, I haven't been around in a long while. I miss this place. I'll never forget all the kind words and advice people have given me here (no matter how tough).

    Just as a quick update. I'm still in, but I've given myself a deadline of the end of the year to talk to my wife about how I feel about the WT. I'm not joking. I mean business. It's happening.

    I've connected with allot of old friends who've left the org and have been getting a lot of support from them, also old friends that aren't JWs. I've also been reading "Combatting Cult Mind Control" by Steve Hassan.

    My apologies to anyone who's messaged me at that old myspace. I've abandoned it. If you want my new one, PM me!

    - SG

  • Gopher

    Hi SG. I wasn't posting much at this time last year, so I missed seeing you before.

    But I'm glad you did come here, and it's good to hear you're establishing a good support system now (in case you really need it later). It sounds like you're going about things the right way.

    If you need any support from us about the time you have that fateful discussion, or after, please do come back here. We have a 24/7 support staff. Well sort of -- it seems like somebody is always on somewhere in the world.

  • LeslieV

    Nice to have you back again. Wonderful to hear that you have others that are giving you support.

    glit45e34ea59b4138_38659192.gif picture by Lesliev1031


  • erynw

    Don't know ya, but howdy anyway!


    (Stole this picture from BB. She'll get over it.)

  • jwfacts

    Keep in touch, we'd love to hear how it goes with your wife, and help in whatever way we can.

  • nvrgnbk

    I remember you, SG.

    I last saw you on a rather humorous thread.

    Something about the moral pitfalls of being amorous with one's clone.

    Glad you're well.

    Good luck with the wife.

  • AudeSapere
    StillGroggy wrote: I've connected with allot of old friends who've left the org and have been getting a lot of support from them, also old friends that aren't JWs. I've also been reading "Combatting Cult Mind Control" by Steve Hassan.

    Sounds like you have made a plan (and a time schedule) are are working it. Congrats on the progress and best of luck with getting your family (wife) out with you.

    Post when you can or at least when you need to. It helps others who are feeling the same as you but for one reason or another are not able to post themselves.

    And I *do* remember you. Nice to see you again.


  • StillGroggy

    oh yeah!! I remember the clone Fxxx gag. Hahahaha! Yeah, good times.

  • betterdaze

    Hi Groggy, I remember you, and wish you the best.

    Sounds like you have a solid support network in place. But we're here, too.

    Check in from time to time and let us know how you're doing?


  • AuldSoul

    Hi StillGroggy! I remember you. It's nice to see you haven't lost your determination to wake up. Sometimes I wonder what happens in the lives of people who pop in here for a while and then vanish.

    I'll PM for that myspace page.


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