Sense of Humor

by dinah 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • dinah

    Does anyone else think that the sense of humor we have has helped us cope? I was just noticing what a bunch of fun-loving peeps most of you are.

    Another thing I've noticed here too, people here are actually caring, nurturing, people. We may get a little snippy sometimes, but all in all I think we are a pretty good bunch---especially to have come out of hell to try and live a full life.

  • IP_SEC

    yes di it is pretty funny... if you cant laugh at yourself...


  • Gopher

    Agreed. I think our natural personality (including sense of humor for most) was suppressed inside the organization. Now that we don't feel the need to always be spiritually impressive (or judgmental of others), we can be a little more live-and-let-live and enjoy life and the funny things that come with it.

  • free2think

    I definitely think my sense of humour has helped me to cope in life, its seen me through some really dark times.

  • nvrgnbk

    Confucius say...

    Humah is fah suckahs!

  • dinah

    It helps me alot. You guys should see me cracking up sometimes when one of you gets on a "roll". You gotta laugh to keep from crying sometimes, I guess.

  • BrentR

    I enjoy dry "off the wall" humor but I think mine misses the target here alot. It is more appreciated in person I guess.

  • bem

    I have survived due to or despite my sense of humor, although I gotta admit I laugh sometimes at myself and others do not always think it's funny, and a lot of the Jokes, [groaners to most] that crack me up make others think I need help!

  • flipper

    Dinah- Humor is what helps us survive ! I love to drink 2 red bulls and a sobe green tea when working at night at weird hours as it makes me giddy and goofy as a clown! And even though I laugh out loud at my own jokes, even when alone , I still find it keeps me awake and prevents me from falling asleep at the wheel when driving home ! My son thinks I'm crazy with my humor and maniacal laugh , when he works with me, but it keeps him entertained ! Peace out, and more power to humor in our lives ! Mr. Flipper

  • BFD

    Yes, I think a sense of humor does help me to cope and there are some pretty hilarious people who post here. In so many ways I feel like I take so much more from this board than I could ever give back.



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