Bethel, Brooklyn.
USA parts not worth visiting
by greendawn 80 Replies latest jw friends
If you must go to Florida, only visit the Keys and Disneyland and nothing in between.
I know. I live in Florida.
White Dove
I personally could not get enough of the peace and tranquility/calmness of spirit that the plains had to offer. The flatter the better for star gazing. I hate the claustrophobic feeling of being trapped in the mountains. Feels like they are going to swallow me up. I feel so much freer on flat land and big open skies. One look at Wyoming in Rock Creek and I was done with it. Nothing but yellow rocks from here to eternity. Very pretty but trapping and boring. Give me the flat prairie any day! I think there is only one place on earth with a Grand Canyon (Ride mules to the bottom) and also there is the 2 mile diameter, 1 mile deep meteor crater in Arizona, both of which are must sees. Indian reservations are cool, too. Arizona desert is beautiful but 120 degrees in summer. People and cars die out there. Crater Lake, Oregon! There is an island in the middle of the waterfilled volcano. I hate anything Disney as it is a tourist trap and a commercialized place. Eastern beaches/oceans tend to be warmer to swim in than the western ones. Space needle is cool, but if you have been on the giant ferris wheel in England, it is not that big of deal. NYC metropolitan museum of history, art, science museums. Check out what is going on in the place the twin towers used to be. Oh, lots of stuff to do here and spread out all over the place. Summer is best for what I've mentioned above except for Arizona and the fall colors in the northeast. Ski in Colorado.
White Dove
The Grand Canyon is a very very special hole in the ground which changes colors every minute with the movement of the sun. Then, the sunset wraps itself around the horizon and is a rainbow of changing colors. It is a very spiritual experience and a good place for meditating and reflection on nature at its finest. Definately not just ANY hole! Ride the mules to the bottom and maybe raft the Ohio river. A river does run through it. Maybe I should write tourism brochures:)
ronin1 - If you're really from Florida, you'd know that Disneyland is not there - it's in California. HOWEVER, Walt Disney World is in Florida. Don't confuse the tourists anymore than we have to.
John Doe
Disney land, disney world, who cares? ;-)
One part worth visiting is Charleston, South Carolina. Also, for beaches and seafood, the chain of islands starting at Beaufort, SC -- Hunting Island State Park is perfect for swimming and relaxing.
Boston is one of my favorite cities. Also, New Orleans -- beignets and cafe au lait at Cafe du Monde are a must, as are the cemetery and ghost tours.
Well, I'm hoping to visit the USA sometime in the near future - next year, perhaps. One place I'll definitely be giving a miss is Brooklyn Bethel
Why is this in the Blood, etc. forum? Can the administrators move it to where it belongs?
Greendawn, I think you are making a common islander's mistake. You can't do the whole of the USA on a day trip. You will find your trip much more enjoyable if you LIMIT your visit to what you really want to see. Keep in mind that ALL travel will be longer than you expect. Pick either the East or the West coast and take it from there.
Save the midwest until you've acquired a taste for their unique charms.