CAN YOU READ THIS? Terry - you don't want to see this

by AWAKE&WATCHING 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • memario

    I'm dyslexic thats why it was easy for me to read it!


  • noni1974

    I can read it.But I'm also dyslexic.

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Looks fine to me. Is there a problem with it?

  • bobld

    Yerv ufnny I vahe rtouble iwth ismple esntence


  • erynw

    MADD - Mothers Against Drunk Drivers

    DAM - Mothers Against Dyslexia

    Ok, that was mean. Memario, you know I love you more than my luggage!

  • Rabbit

    Not only could I read it, but, I could read it faster than normal.

    That's odd, because, misspelled words really get under my skin. I was always one of those spelling bee winners. That paragraph didn't bother me at all. Hmmmm...?


  • Magick

    Hebrew is written without vowels (YHWH) i guess they can read without some of the middle letters.

    the watchtower should have been written like would have screwed with our heads more than normal.

  • spiritboi

    Our brain works smart but not hard.

    Try to read this : otonizargain

    It don't bother to work bacause it can read it. Now anybody got it?

    When it cannot read, it will try to use the word before or after as a clue :

    hevohaj otonizargain

    When you can break the first word, which is very easy, it is very likely u can break the second word.

    Answer will be out same time, same forum tomorrow....

    o zar ga i n to ni

  • bite me
    bite me

    seen that years ago, but I still enjoy it. Someone stated that's only partcially correct. That is true, you have to know how to read and know the english language to read that. If you have a problem with words or letters it will look more messed up. lol

  • dawg

    Like someone else said, I'm dyslexic as hell and can't spell for crap... of course I can readi it.

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