Peak Oil as already happened people, last year. We haven't past the 85 million barrels per day.
There was only 2 Trillion barrels on this planet, formed at two geological periods 90 and 150 million years ago.
I've read about 10 books on this subject. Inform yourselves.
We are on the plateau phase right now and the increase in production of non-conventional oil (eg. Alberta Tar Sands (Butemin)) is barely offsetting decline in conventional oil extraction rates (eg. Light sweet crude in Saudi Arabia for instance)
Saudi Arabia's massive Ghawar field (the largest in the world) is declinging at 7% a year. Great Britain's North Sea Oil peaked in 1999, it's declining around 17% a year. Mexico's Canterall superfield peaked last year and is declining at 20% a year. The US peaked in 1970 (which correlates to so much geo-politics if you'd care to research)
The lack of Corporate Media coverage of this topic is astounding, this will the defining event of this century.
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