Why the change in how the Watchtower deals with the Media?

by Gill 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Dansk

    LATEST BBC News & Sport results for Jehovah's Witness dies after refusing blood

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    News - Health - Jehovah's Witnesses 'must be allowed to die'

    Jehovah's Witnesses must be allowed to refuse a blood transfusion even if they will die as a result, say doctors.. They believe that accepting another person's blood is a sin. 9 Mar 1999

    News - World - Jehovah's Witnesses drop transfusion ban

    The Jehovah's Witnesses withdraw a much criticised ban on accepting blood transfusions, but say they are still wrong.. The religious community insists that receiving blood is still wrong. 14 Jun 2000

    News - Panorama - Jehovah's Witnesses: beliefs

    This policy of refusingblood transfusions has been very controversial and sometimes brought the Jehovah's Witnesses into conflict with medical and legal authorities. 12 Jul 2002

    Radio 4 - PM

    We had a Jehovah'sWitness with a serious post partum haemorrhage when I first qualified as a pharmacist. I spent the whole weekend convinced that she was going to die on my watch.

    Radio 4 - Inside the Ethics Committee

    The standard treatment is high dose chemotherapy to kill the cancerous blood cells. But Jehovah's Witnesses do not accept blood products and are prepared to die rather than compromise their belief.

    More results from "Radio 4"

    Religion & Ethics - Ethics: Medical ethics: blood transfusions

    But Jehovah's Witnesses do not accept blood products and are prepared to die rather than compromise their belief.

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    3 of 6 results for Jehovah's Witness dies after refusing blood

    Image: <b>Blood</b> transfusion concerns

    Blood transfusion concerns

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    A former Jehovah'sWitness who refused a blood transfusion when her twins were born wants a change in the law after another woman died giving birth.

    5 Nov 2007 Image: Man sentenced for sex crimes

    Man sentenced for sex crimes

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    A convicted paedophile who was an elder in the Jehovah's Witnesses in Clevedon is given a community rehabilitation order.

    23 Aug 2007 Image: Religion 'put twins at risk'

    Religion 'put twins at risk'

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    A woman from Sussex claims she was forced to refuse a blood transfusion while giving birth to twins because she was a Jehovah'sWitness.

    10 Jul 2007

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  • AlphaOmega

    Describing not having a blood transfusion as the same as two mythical charactars, Adam and Eve being told not to eat the forbidden fruit was totally laughable.

    Could Adam & Eve have eaten applesauce, apple cider, baked apple, or apple pie from the forbidden tree? Surely NOT!

    So, why then can the Jehovah's take Hemoglobin, Albumin, Clotting Factors, Immunoglobulins, etc, etc, etc?

    Skeeter - absolute genius !
  • TooBad TooSad
    TooBad TooSad


    Great illustration !!!!!! I will certainly use it.



  • Gill

    After Gilles nonsensical performance you can understand why the WT chose not to reply to the press for so long.

    The problem is, as previously stated, the press is not fully informed on the WT stance and people like Gilles get away with not answering questions properly and bare faced lying!

    However, they had been exposed as a cult that can cause death to members of a persons family and so this will at least make people more aware of the strangers who are knocking on their doors.

    People who my family work with are disgusted that such a thing could happen in the modern world.

    People are not impressed with the JW 'No Blood Doctrine' and they do not swallow the screams of 'But It says so in the Bible!'

  • Dansk

    I could have missed it, but I don't think so. I had the BBC lunchtime news on and listened out for the headlines. Didn't notice any reference to the JW dies through no blood story. Already it's being forgotten - which is just what Watchtower wants.


  • Gill

    Quite right Dansk! But I don't think it is totally forgotten!

    This is a shocking story!

    The other shocking story was of the JW pedophile who didn't go to jail and was not disfellowshiped!

    The Jehovah's Witnesses are being viewed as a VERY NEGATIVE religion!

    They are bringing No Glory to the name 'Jehovah', in fact they shame themselves and their 'God'!

    These short sharp slaps may well do the job!

  • alanv

    I have just been watching news 24 from the BBC. They interviewed an ex witness who explained that a court recently overuled a parents wish for no blood for their baby and allowed a blood transfusion, as it was unable to make a decision for itself. She also felt that doctors should be able to overide the wishes of the patient if necessary but of course this does bring in the human rights issue. The good thing about all of this is that the borg are getting bad press and that should help keep people out of this sickening organisation.

  • skeeter1

    I'm not a genius. I saw that illustration used by another JWD poster. I just kept it in mind,and I keep using it.


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Hi again,Gill:

    I just listened to a 6 July 2006 BBC interview with Ms. Louderback-Wood, available through AJWRB. A salient point that she made was that certain products once prohibited have been OKed. But the changes were not made public [years later they were]. Her mother could have received hemoglobin.

    A reporter went to a KH and interviewed a "senior elder," asking pertinent questions. The elder stated emphatically that no other members of a faith study as much as JWs do to understand their beliefs, that their beliefs 'are not HAMMERED INTO THEIR HEADS.' One taking a transfusion IS NOT disfellowshiped but chooses no longer to be a Jehovah's Witness. Then the noisy chattering of the membership, ever in the background during the interview, ceased, and all broke into song.

    I never hated a Kingdom Melody more than at that moment ... and I used to teach them to my students,


  • Gill

    CoCo - The amount of Watchtower 'double speak' even in that short statement is incredible!

    No body studies the Bible as much as JWs but the infor is not hammered into their heads!

    No one is disfellowshiped for taking blood. They are just no longer one of JWs!

    It all makes sense......as long as you don't THINK about it!

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