Well written AK Jeff - has a copy been sent to Stephen Bates at the Guardian?
My Letter to the Editor regarding Emma's death!
by AK - Jeff 37 Replies latest watchtower medical
Nicely composed letter. Unlike an earlier poster's comments, I'm glad you weren't more hard-hitting. I think you achieved a considerate and reasonable tone - one that would probably result in a greater number of interested persons, including JWs actually reading it.
Sometimes I think that letter writers do their arguments a disservice by expressing them so bluntly and emotively that they alienate the very people who would benefit from the good information lurking behind the off-putting tone. Good on you for avoiding this understandable tendency!
AK - Jeff
Well written AK Jeff - has a copy been sent to Stephen Bates at the Guardian?
No I have not. Does the Guardian accept opinion-letters? I might be interested in looking into that. Jeff
Thanks Jeff.
I have altered it very slightly (I was JW for 13 years not your 40) and edited out the typos
I'm sending it to both local newspapers and signing it with my name and "Former Jehovah's Witness from XXXXX, Lancashire"
I hope they publish it. However it would probably result in my DFing. Yay! I keep wondering what I have to do to get DF'd LOL
Sirona (Pagan and Proud, Holiday Celebrating Ex Dub who has never been DF'd )
AK - Jeff
Good on you Sirona. If you get DF'd - what better reason than the informing of people of matters that could end their lives?
MC - regards your suggestion of the Guardian - I took it up and found Mr Bates at the Guardian, emailed him the Letter. Likely that is as far as it will go - but who knows. IF you peruse that journal and happen to see the letter, let me know, ok?
Great letter. I wonder if my local papers in Southern Cali would publish it. What do you think?
Excellent letter!
The newspaper may be the only place some JWs ever hear anything negative about their religion. The younger generation is probably not aware of the flip-flops on organ donation, vaccines, etc. You never know what might start someone thinking! I hope this gets published.
AK - Jeff
Worth a try BlueSapphire. You know the abbreviation for your screen name is BS. I didn't want to do that, so I had to type it out. LOL
AK - Jeff
Just an FYI
Stephen Bates replies that he no longer writes religious articles for the Guadian. He forwarded my letter to the correct writer.
Good job with the letter, Jeff.
I am torn on the issue of reform. I don't want any lives lost on a stupid rule that
could easily change when it hits the corporation's wallet, but I don't want the
mind-control cult to simply moderate itself in order to retain members.I prefer the WTS to remain radical as ever. I want the members and the world to
see it for what it is. Still, I must admire those that seek reform. I can understand
such a worthy goal.