Go Buy The Independent

by sweet pea 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • sweetstuff

    It is a good article to discourage anyone who knows nothing about the JW's to be wary of them. But I do agree with NVR, that the errors in it, would make any good little dub automatically consider the entire article to be junk. I would love to see a similar article without the errors that might not only discourage non-witnesses, but make some of those who currently are stop and think, without any errors for them to jump on and say, aha! See, this is all a bunch of hooie! Remember, doubts are terrifying to a dub, so any errors would give them the all clear to dismiss it and sooth their minds. An article without the errors, might make them take it a little more to heart. IMO

  • sweet pea
    sweet pea

    I may just try and contact the journalist and get him to see all you guys' advice to him......

  • Zico

    In the UK, the article on this girl first appeared in the Sun, with this quote:

    'Many stars have become Witnesses including singers Prince and Michael Jackson, tennis sisters Venus and Serena Williams, Naomi Campbell and guitarist Hank Marvin.'

    The Sun journalist wasn't claiming Michael Jackson and Naomi Campbell were currently JWs, simply that they'd been them. The Telegraph, and now the Independent, (and possibly other papers) seemed to have misunderstood this statement and printed that Michael Jackson and Naomi Campbell are JWs. It's like Chinese whispers!

    I don't know where the 70 hours would have come from!? That one is a poor mistake.

    Other than those 2 incidents, the article is spot on.

  • nvrgnbk
    They have routinely described the Roman Catholic Church as a "semiclad harlot reeling drunkenly into fire and brimstone".

    Not in my lifetime.

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    FWIW, I stopped reading the article when I hit the "70 hour" reference.

    I thought, "Great, another over-reaching journalist to fan the fires of 'Only trust the Watchtower. All the media is under Satan's influence' ".

    Then I started reading the replies.

    Now I'll go read the rest of the article.

    Open Mind

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