I want to travel and see so much of the world I think I'd live on a boat and just sail wherever I wanted to.
What's The Best Country or Area To Live In???
by minimus 20 Replies latest jw friends
Canada, minus the weather....
Floridas pretty good. It's kind of like a tropical paradise. But sad to say some people get bored in paradise, me and Adam and Eve.
Nova Scotia for me!
Hey, I'm from there, are you?
And I would have to say, out of the places I have been so far, England. If I could live anywhere though, Australia. Umm, hello, men with aussie accents. I'd need to be rich, cause I would never get anything done, just listen to them talk all day.
I think Sioux Falls South Dakota USA is the best place in the world for me to live.
Central California coast
France (almost anywhere there)
In my opinion, there is no place like home but I would like to travel if I had the time and money to do so.
Have you ever heard, "Great place to visit but wouldn't want to live here?" Thats Florida or any other tropical destination you have ever been to.
Gorgeous, sunsets, beaches, hotels etc.......tropical drinks, warm ocean breezes, the air is soft and moist.
Here is the reality:
Every home is under constant threat of rot, and attacked by mold. Your cement drive, pool surround, eves, and roof must be pressure washed to keep the mold from invading not only outside, but inside.
Bugs are rampant...and what are considered roaches in any other state are called palmettos here in Florida, about 2 to 3 inches long with antennea the same amount, so you are looking at at least 5 to 6 inch bugs. It takes tremendous chemicals to keep them at bay. Spiders are even bigger when they are after these creepies. There are also grass hoppers the size of you extended hand eating every plant you invest in.
Air conditioning cannot be turned off until December. In the mean time your average power bill is about $400.00 per month with the very latest cooling systems.
Your front lawn is continually under siege either by mold, bugs, too much rain, too little rain, or weeds.
We have had ours replaced 3 times and we are close to having it replaced a 4th time. (Not cheap)
In the summer it's like winter in the North. You really don't want to leave your home, and can't protect yourself from the damned heat. (Car batteries last a maximum of 2 years tops)
Your pool soaks up so many chemicals and time its almost not worth having.
Where would I want to live" Either Bavaria Germany or Lake Gardia Italy!
John Doe
Restrangled, you should write your biography and call it "bugs in paradise." ;-)