Hi German JW: You make an excellent observation. I think that from time to time the Society tries to gradually moderate and move a little closer toward mainline Christianity. Ray Franz, Ed Dunlap and others helped in this regard in the 1970s, up to the Spring of 1980. Then after they were weeded out, the GB tightened up.
In private forums I visit, some have made the argument that when ex-JWs make a big fuss about the Society joining the UN, or taking other steps toward a moderate position, that we defeat the very thing that we would like to see - that is - a kinder and more gentle Watch Tower religion.
While I have some mixed feelings here, I think that what might appear to be a move toward moderation, is mere pragmatism to further expand and advance the organization's interests. But, more inportantly, the level of hypocrisy they show is so great, that I believe that it must be highlighted in the public so that those still JWs will begin to small a rat, and leave the Watch Tower religion. the best thing that could happen to it is to cut off its support of people (free labor) and money.
The reason I lean this way is that Jesus illustrated how Judaism was like an old wine skin that could not hold new wine, or it might burst. In a similar sense, the Watch Tower religion is the old wine of a corrupted man called Joseph F. Rutherford. He ruined what essentially could have been good. Although Charles Russell was not the brightest light buld in the room, he was at least kinder and more flexible. But, the Watch Tower religion is still built upon a weak and poor foundation, and must really be taken down some way.
If this happens, then the JWs could begin to find what will work for them individually, whether joining a mainline religion, or associating with small free Bible student groups, or simple do like many of us have, and that is to abandon ALL organized religion.
Thanks for a good post and bringing out a great observation. - Amazing