I find all the watchtowers offending... I believe JW is an accult and should not be studied..
Do you find the Jan 15-08 WT disturbing?
by cultswatter 40 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
The disquiet I feel from being exposed to propaganda is like a thousand insects walking on the inside of my skin looking fro a way out.
Any propoganda has this affect on me, not just religious rags that attempt to manipulate my emotions and subvert my thought procceses.
The shameless and pointless drivel found in dogmatic liturature is just more kool-aid for thirsty victims. God save them from themselves.
it takes a while but one day you may not give a rats arse what the Wt says and won't even bother reading that dribble. i feel like that now. it's so liberating.
That seems to be the theme of that Puketower magazine. Give up your life and go out in field circus full time. Children should be set up to pioneer for their whole lives. No college--takes too long. Give up that decent paying job. If you are able to make ends meet, you are not putting enough time in field circus.
This integrates very poorly with reality, as all their material does. It is costing more to pioneer these days, with gas back to $3 and more a gallon and threatening to go to $5 or even higher if we go to war with Iran and there is another oil embargo. Food prices are about to spike with corn being used to produce ethanol. There is a major credit crunch coming, and most people don't even realize the full extent of it. The subprime problem is only the tip of the iceburg, and as it gets harder to get credit, I see more financial problems.
The worst is going to hit those who try to put their lives aside for Jehovah. They are already spending more money on gas for field circus. That will get even worse if the economy heads to recession. Windows will be allowed to get dirtier before they "need" cleaning. Office carpet cleanings will be put off longer. And that translates to more Witlesses being out of work. And Jehovah ain't going to put gas in your car or food on your table.
I think it's actually going to be cheaper and better to celebrate Christmas. I would rather be making $200,000 or more a year and "wasting" money on Christmas lights and presents rather than be making the $12,000 or so a year that was highlighted on the platform one evening (that translates to about $20,000 a year today) and wasting all that money on gas and field circus. Those people don't know what lies in store for them, and they don't realize that if we go to war against Iran and there is another oil embargo, they are going to be up Sxxx Creek without a paddle. The worst part is that they have also been programmed to disregard outside sources that are warning them of this calamity (remember the crackdown this past fall about independent research in the September Kingdumb Misery). Those people are in for a long, miserable economic depression when everyone else sees a mere recession or even a minor slowdown ahead.
I didn't make it past the guilt-laden first paragraph. Does it get any better?
I agree with you! They are getting more and more fanatical and totally insane!
They want you to give up your education!
They want you to give up your job!
They want you, if necessary, to die for lack of blood!
They are demanding your very soul!
Pity the fools who follow them!
If god give humans freedom,then why do they need to preach from d-to-d for their salvation? If it's a command than you don't have freedom.Also I think the directive not to eat of the apple was just that, because that apple was poison and had nothing to do with rulership or svereignty.Why put the temptation right in the middle of the garden where they could see every day.It's like a mother putting a jar of cookies in the middle of the table and telling her children not to eat any.dumb,crazy idea.
PS If it's such an ugent lifesaving work, than why is Sam hell don't they use modern means to get this message out.When a hurricane or a tornado is about to hit what does the gov't do.Oh,they send all their public people door to door to warn everybody because it the most effective way.Those that aren't home get a tract reminder that the storm will hit in a few hours and they have to leave right away.Why do those b$$#%^ tell their r&f to have a battery operated RADIO so they can listen in case of an emergency. Also their propaganda could be broadcast in countries where they are band w/o presecution.
I have now read the Jan 15-08 about 3 times. Every time that I do, I get madder and madder.
So why bother reading it?!
i do not know if i find it disturbing, for some unexplained reason i am being shunned, the elders will not let me have ANY publications, a dear friend of mine 1200 miles away was sending them to me, but she was stopped. i do not understand but really really need to talk to someone, perhaps an elder or even a former elder, HELP ME
Perhaps you are a victim of the Jehovah's Witness rumour mill! Gossip and slander could be taken up as full time professions by too many JWs! See if your friend will tell you why you are being 'spiritually starved'!
Oh, and welcome to the board Inactive?!!