Shower or bath?

by Quentin 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • sweetstuff

    I usually shower, then bath. The shower to clean up, the bath to relax. I love a hot bath, with a glass of wine, candles, at night to unwind. But I still start with the shower, somehow sitting in a tub of my own dirty water, isn't that appealing. LOL

  • still_in74

    shower,,,,,,,,,, who has time for baths??

  • Dorktacular

    I live in Georgia and we're under extreme drought conditions. I have resorted to French baths and bathing in bathtubs of beer.

    Seriously, I shower 99.999% of the time. I took one bath when we moved to our new house that has one of those gigantic whirlpool tub thingies. I was so happy! At last, a bathtub that can contain the abundant mass that is Dorktacular! Hee Hee. I haven't been in it since then.

  • NanaR

    Bubble bath -- bath pillow -- long soak -- candles -- soft music

    Whoops, back to reality!!

    But yeah, baths all the way :-)


  • pratt1

    I am definitely a shower guy.

    Always in the morning, and sometimes at night before I go to bed.

    I do everything in the shower. brush my teeth, wash my hair, shave, dry off and then lotion myself all while I'm in the shower. Oh and pee... I know gross.

    The water has got to be hot.

    We have a jacuzzi in the master bedroom bath, I never use it.

  • JH

    Morning showers and evening baths

    When it's way too hot in the summer time, I only shower, and when it gets cold again in late fall, I take long warm baths in the evening to warm me up.

  • sweetstuff

    We have a jacuzzi in the master bedroom bath, I never use it.

    What a waste.

  • little man
    little man
    Love my hot showers, don't care how hot it is outside, I have to have a long, hot shower. Love baths, but don't have one

    me to but no tub.

  • LisaRose

    Bath, mostly. I have a jetted bathtub and use it every day. Sometimes with candles, a good book and a glass of wine. Benefit of being an empty nester, no kids to interrupt. I also like a shower sometimes.

  • little man
    little man
    It enabled me to sip bourbon whilst doing it which is not easy/impossible under a shower

    nothing like good whisky

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