I dated a girl that worked for a mortgage broker in the late 1990s- early 2000s when the mortgage boom was on. The broker she worked for often falsified income documents, home appraisals, etc. just to get somebody in a loan. ANY loan, but particularly one that earned that broker the most commission possible. After all, the broker got their commission up front and they weren't particularly concerned about the residuals. Now, that broker is long gone, but they got their commission. And the bank has to forclose on a lot of these people, because they can't pay.
But, let me say this..... unless the lender is not adhering to the conditions of the loan contract that both lender and borrower agreed to at closing, IT IS THE BUYER'S FAULT IF THEY GOT SCREWED!!!!!
So, with the exception of the lender not honoring the contract, the stupid borrower got what the stupid borrower deserves for not researching and attempting to understand what was going on with the biggest investment they will ever make in their entire life! Oh, and if it can be proven that the lender isn't honoring the contract, the borrower has one hell of a lawsuit! But usually the borrower simply defaults.
The banks (for the most part) are the ones getting screwed because a stupid broker or borrower (or usually a combination of the two) bit off more than they can chew. So the bank has to go through the expense of foreclosing and then remarketing that house. Just a little secret: The bank does not want your house. They want their money. The interest from the loan over the cost of a 30 year loan can be almost 3 times more than what the house sold for to begin with.
I just bought a house. The mortgage broker told me that I qualified for a $300,000.00 loan. I said that I only needed $133,000. They kept pushing me telling me that I could qualify for a much bigger loan and get a much bigger house. I told them that it didn't matter what I qualified for, I knew what I was prepared to pay, and if they couldn't help me, I'd go elsewhere. So I did. I ended up with around 10 seperate good faith estimates from several lenders before I ended up with a very good interest rate on a house that I could afford and the mortgage terms that I wanted. This only happened because I researched and negotiated. If I took the first offer or contract that was put on the table in front of me, I would have made some mortgage broker's Christmas! But, I was smart and studied and researched for years before taking the plunge. Nope, no adjustable rate for me. Nope, no prepayment penalties for me! Nope, no baloon payment at the end of my mortgage! Nope..... none of that crap. Also, let me say that I could have gotten a house years ago, but I waited because I had some financial trouble. I ended up in bankruptcy when I was a single dad trying to care for an infant daughter. Yes, I could have gotten a subprime loan and I could have been in a new house, but I waited until my financial slate was clean, my income was what I needed and the real estate market turned into a buyer's market.
If people used their brains, exersize a little self-discipline and stop trying to keep up with the Joneses, they wouldn't get screwed. The same thing happens with people's credit cards and new cars. New cars have been getting reposessed for years because of the same kind of impulsive buying and crooked sales people just out for a commission. Nobody cared when it was just cars or credit cards. Now that the same thing happens with houses, people are taking notice.