Wowza wowza inactive....hugs to you...not only did you have your experience with the JW's being harsh, but you've been harshly treated (by some) on here. So sorry hun, that you have been attacked this way by not only here but by the Org.
To the ones that gave good advice and treated inactive in a kind manner...hats off to you.
Anyway, inactive, your story isn't all that strange. I have a very strange story myself that I have never shared on least I don't think I have. So here's my story...
My (ex now) and I moved into a new congregation and new town. It was a very small town but the cong was a bit larger than normal because everyone that wanted to go could only go there since it was the closest. One day I was sitting in a park around 2pm waiting for my (husband then) to get off work so we can have a bit of lunch together. That day proved to be a very bad day turning into a very bad long 2 weeks. I ended up getting attacked (won't go into much more detail with it). Of course the police was called and then the elders. The first mistake that I did was even telling anyone about what had happened.
Sitting in the hospital I was "questioned" by the elders. One of the elders knew my ex pretty well since he was going to be the best man but ended up not being able to (another story). He (I'll call him "Elder X) was very good friends with Elder Y. Elder Y use to work for the police department and had buddies on the force still. The "questions" was because Elder Y had talked to the police and the police wanted to not believe my story because of what another person seen. The eye witness said that I had got in the truck with the attacker and was gone for about 1/2hour then returned. The thing is, the person was far away and wouldn't have been able to see what was actually happening. They were about a football field away.
For 2 weeks I was enduring a JC just about every other day. The elders even told my ex that he had reasons to get divorced...this was BEFORE I was proven to be telling the truth. I remember being pulled into that stupid back room on many occasions to get this settled. It went on so long that Elder X had to go on some kind of trip and they had to get a replacement for the committee. After so many nights crying, sweating, and being scared...I was able to remember how to prove my innocents. I happened to sign in at a local exercising club that day around that time. I was able to prove that the eye witness story could not match up with the timeline. After I was able to show that information, the elders did drop the case but only one Elder X came up to apologize to me. I was treated badly from then on. This experience happened around '93. This experience was what really caused me to doubt in the Elders/Watchtower/and my beliefs. Though I stuck it out because of my (now ex) until 2004.
Before all of this happening, I was a regular pioneer and felt I was in the right religion. The way the elders treated me during and after all this drama, I had also lost trust in people.
Anyway, I hope you can come to some peace over this. Hang in there.
~Freedom Frog~