Are Jehovah's Witnesses embarrassing 'Jehovah'?

by Gill 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Gill

    Scandal upon scandal has recently been heaped upon the members of the Watchtower Bible Society!

    Eunice Spry, infamous child abuser hit the headlines last year.

    Then the JW pedophile who escpaed jail despite abusing many children including a baby.

    This week we discover the disturbing loss of a JW mother who haemorraged in childbirth and refused a potentially life saving blood transfusion.

    I'm sure there are many more case you can think of.

    Do you think Jehovah is pleased with the people that are supposedly a people for his name. OR do you think he's a tad embarrassed at the bad and foolish behaviour?

    The name 'Jehovah' is not being associated with anything good ...... well for quite a long time now!

  • sweetstuff

    Let's see, well the Jehovah of the bible, tends to get steamed pretty quickly, so yeah, if he existed, the biblical big J, I am sure he would not only be embrasessed, he'd be enacting some serious payback to those who proclaim to be his people.

  • carla

    I agree with all of what you said and we all could add to the list of scandals and bad behavior. Are they embarrassing jehovah? look at how they treat His Son!

    I once told my jw that jw's were an embarrassment to God. Needless to say it didn't go over well.

  • dawg

    Why Carla, did the truth hurt hi that bad?

    Here's the thing that embarasses God more then anything else-man putting himself in the place of God... and that's what the GB clearly does. I have quote after quote where they say that questioning man is the same as questining god... that's blasphemy

  • oompa

    Dawg...hi my other post, please list these quotes or post a link. Never thought about the blasphemy angle.

    Also---- Scandal upon scandal has recently been heaped upon the members of the Watchtower Bible Society!

    Unfortunately, almost no one really notices or holds the top dogs accountable.....oompa

  • Gill

    Oompa - Good point! Nobody really mentions that these people, the Jehovah's witnesses are followers of the doctrines of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society!

    The Watchtower does hold some of the blame in SOME CASES! For example JWs who die for lack of blood, and vicims of pedophiles whose behavious is covered up and in the cases of those that are not disfellowshipped,

    The Watchtower is still not recognised widely as a a MIND CONTROL CULT!

  • WTWizard

    I think they are a travesty of righteousness, regardless of one's view on God. Abusing children in many ways and then silencing the victims. Altering the Bible and then telling people to believe it under threat of everlasting death. Spoiling children's lives by taking away all their fun. Telling people not to go to college because they are needed in field circus and then not supporting them when they get older. Wasting all that gas, harming the environment in the process, distributing litter-ature that could have been put online.

    All this, and more, are reasons why this cult is a travesty of righteousness. And they are travesties of absolute morality--in which whatever is good for self or society is moral. Denying people the education they need to compete in today's and tomorrow's job markets, initiatory force threatened in the name of God for anyone not joining or that leaves, and tampering with the Bible and then telling people that they are going to die unless they believe the whole doctrine are all bad for society. They are also bad for the individuals that are involved. And that's the travesty I see--regardless of where one stands in belief in God.

  • Honesty

    Naw man.

    It's all those evil apostates who are embarrassing him with their lies about the Faceless Diseased Slave.

  • LoverOfTruth

    You see this kind of stuff with most organized religions and All of the Large Ones.

    With that said, Jehovah's Witnesses Aren't Any Different from those they condemn.

  • avidbiblereader

    Ex 20:7 says it all

    7 “You must not take up the name of Jehovah your God in a worthless way, for Jehovah will not leave the one unpunished who takes up his name in a worthless way.

    If Christ the perfect man didnt take upon himself God's own personal name, who are any one of us to do so, if the Isrealites who were DIRECTLY appointed as God's people lost His favor because of bad conduct, hypocrisy, false teachings, REJECTION of GOD's SON, in any and every form, scandals ect...

    What does the Biblical record tell us about anyone of us who want to claim being a servant of God and a follower of Christ should be doing with regard to reproach? It applies to all of us who want to follow the WAY, as the Biblical record puts it.


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