Now it is real: Generation U-turn

by pElE the King 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • pElE the King
    pElE the King

    Hello folks,

    I've been alway for long time! I am currently living in London with my family. I will talk with you later about my live and this big move to UK, but for now I would like to share some news I've been heard from London Bethel.

    Jaracz had a 1 day visit this week to explain the brother there is a new understanding coming on the fig tree illustration that will clarify our view on the generation that will not pass. He haven't told anything else, but the point will be on the study Watchtower of February. People are very excited here because of that.

    My two coins: Fig tree = annointed. Mature = old annointed. This generation that will not pass = old annointed based on their average age.

    I will let you know more about that.



  • Mrs Smith
    Mrs Smith

    Interesting post! Can't wait to see what comes of that. Everytime they bring out new light there is a mass exodus out of the WBTS. So I say go on GB bring on the new light.

  • JH

    They made many U turns or Flip Flops in the past. I guess that the one driving is spiritually drunk.

  • AlphaOmega

    Thank you pEIE.

    This generation that will not pass = old annointed based on their average age.

    This bit is interesting... does it still mean that they are playing numbers games ?

  • V

    Could be many clues in the Insight book...

    Insight vol. 1

    pp.830-831 Fig


    andLateCrops. There are, basically, two crops of figs produced annually by the trees: the first ripe figs, or early figs (Heb., bik·ku·rah´), which mature in June or early July (Isa 28:4; Jer 24:2; Ho 9:10), and the later figs, which grow on the new wood and make up the main crop, generally maturing from August onward. The early figs may be easily shaken from the tree when ripe, and they are prized for their delicate flavor.—Na 3:12.

    About February, the first fruit buds appear on the branches from the previous season, and these precede the leaves by about two months, since the leaves do not usually appear until the final part of April or in May. (Mt 24:32) At Song of Solomon 2:13 the first signs of maturity in the new green figs (Heb., pagh) are mentioned in connection with the flowering of the grapevines, which flowering begins about April. Hence, by the time the tree is in full leaf it should also be bearing fruit. The fig tree that Jesus Christ cursed seems to have been abnormally early with its leaves, inasmuch as it was then Nisan 10 of the year 33 C.E. Its appearance gave basis for hoping it might also be unseasonably early in producing fruit suitable for eating, and the record at Mark 11:12-14 indicates that Jesus approached the tree with that thought in mind even though "it was not the season of figs," that is, the time for the fruit to be gathered. The tree’s having nothing but leaves showed it was not going to produce any crop and was, therefore, deceptive in its appearance. Jesus cursed it as unproductive, causing it to wither.—Compare Mt 7:19; 21:43; Lu 13:6-9.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Well, at first I was not sold on their further change on Generation.

    But nobody understood the last one, and they can use a new lively illustration from
    the Bible of the Fig tree, now I am sold.

    Of course what I bought was that this is a mind-control cult.

  • snowbird

    Looks like they'll be bringing out the early/latter rain thing.

    Christendom has been doing this for centuries!!!???

    Hahahahaaa ...


  • dust

    So, the Bible is a riddle.

    riddle: a question or statement intentionally phrased so as to require ingenuity in ascertaining its answer or meaning, typically presented as a game.

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    They know they need another date. Nothing could grow the excitement of the membership more than a teaching that says it's going to be in the next 20 years or so.

    But they know they have to be careful. If anything, they are going to find a way to extend that 'generation' to seem like there is less than 20 years left, but still have a way out if it doesn't pan out.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Drew, you said it well. They are making a new date without saying it. Thanks.

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