Hi People I have not been here for a while, I used to be addicted but work got in the way, although I check back now and then. Anyway I was reading about the girl in England who died as she refused a blood transfusion. As you all know this is not the first time and unfortunatley it will not be the last. Anyway I was reading the comments section of Times on Line...and it struck me I am more qualified to speak about this then anyone else as I nearly lost my own mother when I was 5 the same way. Now I left the truth around 1998 at about the age of 26/27 (escaped via backpacking and can highly reocommend that route out!). It has not occurred to me at all, that I and my brother nearly lost our mother. I am absolutley furious and sad at her. I rang her yesteday for her birthday (yes I am trying to get her to leave)and we talked a bit about it, but it only has hit me in the last half hour. Now do not get me wrong she is as mad as a bag of cats, but she is my bag of cats (is is just witness mums or all mums?)and no child should be denied a mother's love. I am so completely spun out at the moment, I thought I was cured of the witnesses, but I have never thought about this aspect of the whole mess it made of my family. I remember last year when I first found this website and I realised what a crock of shit it was and I was furious and I bent my hubby's ear about how corrupt and bad they were (he was raised a ctholic so he knew that already about all religions ; ) I cannot believe I missed such a huge underlying issue in my childhood. I mean I am fine and all, but imagine is this happened to a more delicate person? This religion is awful. This is going to take few days to process and I feel the need to ring my brothers and sister now! Bloody time difference! (I live in Ireland) How could i possible miss it, perhaps I was not ready to process it yet. PS: Sass My Frass, my aplogies, I was meant to meet up with you last November in Melbourne, and I really wanted to but I was in a very weird place at the time, so apologies I did not follow through with plans to meet up. Hope you are doing are doing well. Hello to all faders, ex-witnesses and anyone just looking form the eastern suburbs of Melbourne...I left you can too!!!!!! Thanks for listening people.
I never realised this before....
by Stezza 14 Replies latest jw experiences
stezza said "I remember last year when I first found this website and I realised what a crock of shit it was".......thanks very much stezzy....we are trying our best....harumph.....ninja storms off.....muhahahahaha
Ninja, funny how things can come off wrong... I read that too and realized she was saying the witnesses werre who she was talking about....You're one funny dude though
Not the site (that is brilliant), that moneymaking company that poses as a religion!
horrible life
Stezza, welcome back, speak up more often, especially since you have now had an epiphany. I had one, not so long ago, and it is still affecting me. It strikes me throughout the day, at some very odd moments. Glad you can talk about it to family.
Welcome back to the forum. I am shunned by my parents, and my mom is particularly prickly towards me. So to answer your question about JW moms, yeah they do all seem cut from the same cloth. They have little power in the congregation, so they sometimes take out their frustration (even in a passive-aggressive way) on their family.
I'd never heard "bag of cats" before, but it's funny.
Some of us nearly lose our moms due to life-threatening convoluted dogma, others (Gopher) lose them from mind control...I am saddened...
I went from the perfect favored grandson to zero contact in 4.9 seconds - lost my grandmother from shunning, and it was only my dad who was DAed at that time. I guess I was part of the same evil smudge in the family.
Yet my mom - who has quite a cat collection of her own in some ways - never bought into the shunning thing. She has blithely ignored all commandments to shun family and non-family and has been quite convinced that she knows who is good for her to associate with and who is not.
Will wonders never cease??
Welcome back, Stezza,
I lost my mother 20 years ago to a brain tumor. The doctors found the tumor in 1977, and could have removed it, if she would have accepted blood. Still to this day,I can't come up with the words to describe, her slow death over the next ten years. In late June of 1987, when she could no longer breath on her own, her suffering ended.
hi guys and gals...
well i am not sure if this is line with this thread but I do think about my jw family every now and then... i mean my 'fleshly' brother still a jw...
and i think when driving home: "doesn't he realize that with all due respect 99.9 of his 'friends', 'brothers' would hesitate (I don't want to say -they'd turn him down lol) to give him a hand when it will matter the most?
Despite him shunning me I would still not think it ONCE about donating him a kidney of mine or money..
Hi People Thanks for all your kind messages. Someone keeps stealing my paragraphs!! It is a funny old cult isn't it. I had another epiphany in the shower this morning. This is a religion that allows mothers to die but will not report paedophiles. How charming! What a nasty nasty organisation. I suppose I got angry because the comments on Time on Line by some people talked about her integrity etc and I was thinking that is bullshit, integrity will not kiss the babies better. I just wonder though what sort of impact this had on my siblings when we were growing up, they never took to the truth, but dipstick here did. but there must be some level of antagonism that she nearly died and left them. So I grew up thinking it was the right thing to do but they have probably been angry with mum and not really thought about Why? I have to stress, it was only yesterday, after having left over 8 years ago that I realised how close I was to losing my mum and how awful that would of been. Regarding women and the church JW's are very much in the catholic strain of things here, not able to be taken seriously, but are used to dob and snoop on people and have 'unoffical' power. If you want to see how close the ideas of the witnesses and catholic church are read The Moral Monopoly: The catholic Church in Ireland. Opened my eyes. By the way definitley buying mum COC for Christmas! Appropriate huh?!