This is the day you were born...

by Princess Daisy Boo 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Princess Daisy Boo
    Princess Daisy Boo

    So this is the day that Princess Daisy Boo entered the world, 30 years ago.

    Last night, my mom called and in the course of the conversation she say something along the lines of " thirty years ago today I was in labour - how does it feel to be almost 30... and then carried on about something random. So my question to you all is this... how do your dub family or friends acknowledge your birthday, or do they?

  • aSphereisnotaCircle

    Happy birthday Boo!

  • ex-nj-jw

    Parent's and JW siblings DON'T. On a few occassions my mom has said, how does it feel to be older? then she'll add if I only knew then...... WTF?

    My non JW siblings all call and say happy birthday


  • TheCoolerKing

    Happy Birthday Princess!!!

    Well my mom is the only dub in my family. Usually on the day before or the day after she'll call me and say something random like, "Just think, __ years ago you were born on a rainy Tuesday evening..."


  • legalchickie

    Happy Birthday Princess! Today is my birthday too, just a little bit older though...54! OMG how did that happen???

  • R.F.

    Happy Birthday!!!

  • mentalclearness

    Even before i became inactive I always bothered my siblings about being a year older...sending a hallmark or something...they usually make some sarcastic comment to me on my birthday about being older, etc......

  • sweetstuff

    Happy B day Princess!!

  • megsmomma

    It's mom would go out of her way to ignore my birthday. I would go to her and say "notice anything different about me today?" and she would go "no". Biotch..... (My b-day is x-mas eve, so it's not easily overlooked, even as a witness)

    I hope you have a great birthday!! 30 is quite a milestone!! Buh-bye 20's! I think the 30's are awsome though....

  • oppgirl63

    I turn 44 tomorrow. I wonder if my roomie will wish me a happy bday. She cooked a bday dinner for a non-JW friend of hers less than a month ago. But this week she has started going back to meetings and she probably has decided not to acknowledge mine. We'll see.

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