poll for the ladies....

by sweetstuff 121 Replies latest jw friends

  • LoverOfTruth

    I think I had a preference for blond guys when I was younger. Now it's more personality.

  • John Doe
    John Doe
    LMAO, no they never disappoint,

    So, I've got a lot in common with a vibrator?

  • sweetstuff
    Now it's more personality

    Agreed, personality is the most important factor in lasting attraction. But the thread is based on physical preferences.

    And FYI JD, if they invent a vibrator that can cuddle, kiss and take out the trash, you men will become obsolete dinosaurs from the past, pray they don't.

  • sweetstuff
    Now it's more personality

    Agreed, personality is the most important factor in lasting attraction. But the thread is based on physical preferences.

    And FYI JD, if they invent a vibrator that can cuddle, kiss and take out the trash, you men will become obsolete dinosaurs from the past, pray they don't.

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Who wants to "cuddle?" Ick!!

  • emy the infidel
    emy the infidel

    If it's this...

    Mark Wahlberg !!! Oooh baby!

  • sweetstuff
    Who wants to "cuddle?" Ick!!

    Yeah, right! So not buying that.

  • restrangled

    Now that I think about bank accounts...

    I was answering this thread from the view point of when I was 20 and both people starting life together.

    If I was looking to date someone at my age, 48,.....you bet the bank account. Not so much the amount thats in it, but the credit history. I'd wan't to make sure they don't owe everyone and their brother, under IRS watch or anything else. Also how long they have been on their current job and actual employment history and what is the debt level.

    They would have to be in their own home....not living with parents, or any other relative. How much they were paying in alimoney, child support...etc.

    Thats not gold digging.....thats just being smart.!!!!!!!!!


  • sweetstuff
    Mark Wahlberg !!!

    Yup, he is a hottie, although everytime I see him, I remember that scene in that movie he did with Reese Witherspoon where he is trying to break into the house, makes me laugh everytime. "Let me in the F#&$*ing house Mr. Walker!"

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Trust me sweetstuff, there's only one reason guys consent to "cuddling." ;-)

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