Are you making progress?

by nvrgnbk 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • Finally-Free

    I've had too much other crap going on in the last year, so the JW crap doesn't occupy my mind as much. I suppose that's progress.


  • arwen

    what a great question! " I have come a long way, baby".. I have been through many stages of the "leaving. Fear, denial, anger, sadness, relief, and happiness. I am so thankful that I am out.. I feel like a survivor. It will take many years, maybe never to fully recover but the journey is so much more pleasant now. I love not having the guilt...of never doing enough, being enough, always trying over and over to prove myself a good enough person. The things that I did back then.. I try not to go there! As far as my spirituality goes, I am searching, searching. always.. terrified to step in the water in case I get sucked in again. There is a piece of me missing someplace. I truly believe in God and Jesus Christ and I pray that I will find my way back to them. Time is the only healer... and I am healing. I am grateful to this board and all of you here. Although I don't post often, I read almost every day and I feel it was by being with you all here and hearing your stories that I have accepted that I too can become exactly who I am and be proud of it.. I have wonderful family and the support of my best friend and I am blessed to have found my way out..

  • flipper

    Hey NVR- How's the never man doing, bud? Good thread! Good questions!

    In regards to positive growth, yes I have made much positive growth in the last year ! I'm reading more secular publications dealing with cult mind control, educating myself. Also have discovered more grisly things about the witnesses , disturbing stuff, which just has solidified the decision I made to leave 4 years ago !

    I heal the anger I have towards the cult by putting that energy into positively reinforcing people on this here board, and helping others see the need to " get out of her my people " ! That is out of the cult mind control organization Jehovah's Witnesses ! I also derive positive energy by anti-witnessing to others about what scandals the witnesses are allowing, child abuse, etc. Inculding anti-witnessing ( in a kind respectful way ) to witnesses still in !

    I left the JW beliefs behind and only casually quote some random wise proverb from King Solomon occasionally . But no I don't read the Bible or look to it for guidance .

    I don't believe in organized religion or any religion for that matter, I allow that others do and respect their rights . But I have faith in life, my loved ones who care about me , and have faith in my positive outlook on life that some how, some way, things will always turn out well, O.K. I'm the eternal optimist. It's healthier ! Peace out friend, stay well ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • nvrgnbk

    The Flippers are the cream of the crop!

    Good to see you arwen.

    Sounds positive, F-F.

    Really profound thoughts, sweetstuff.

    Your progress amazes me, OTWO.

    Way to be, LOT!

  • feenx

    I definitely feel heavy progress within the last five years since I was DF'd and especially in the last year. Previously I had always felt there were huge issues with the organization itself, even before I got the boot, but I always struggled with all the other teachings. They never made sense, but I still had the mental hand cuffs on. Since I have left I have had no desire to embrace any kind of "God." And though I still feel this way I now am interested in faith from a historical standpoint. I think organized religion as a whole is a mistake. Regardless of the intentions the outcome can be nothing but failure. I agree that there is some wisdom in the Bible, but no more than in any other teachings, whether they are based on the Bible or not. And that wisdom does not have any bearing on determining how I live my life. I do not accept the Bible as the one true word of God, and certainly by no means a complete word of God. That's painfully obvious with all the disputes of many aspects of the Bible. I saw a quote from a poster on another JW board, and I'm not sure if it's his or someone elses, but it said "The mind is like a parachute, it works much better when it's open." I feel that is true in many aspects of life, and following a teaching of any man based on what is claimed to be a divinely inspired source is taking away an open mind and turning yourself into a mental, spiritual and emotional zombie.

  • mentalclearness

    I feel I've really progressed in the last six months. I'm not as bitter as many here so I don't deal with anger or resentment issues, but I am questioning my belief in God. I have already completely lost all faith in any organized religion. It's a continuing journey. But I feel much happier now and an enormous weight of guilt has been taken from my shoulders. I look at the future with alot more optimism. For me and for my children. And I feel excited about getting on with the next chapter.

  • brunnhilde

    I actually was going to start a thread similar to this, nvr, but more along the lines of are you happier since you left the dubs? And I mean, those of us who are truly leaving/have left, not the ones still trying to decide. I know I'm much happier and I'm definitely making progress. I took my son trick-r-treating for the first time this Halloween and we both thoroughly enjoyed it, with no pangs of guilt, or even thoughts of "what if someone sees me" crossing my mind. I'm moving ahead with my divorce and, the biggest sign of progress to my mind, I no longer feel like I need to preface any story or experience I share with, "I used to be a Jehovah's Witness." It still comes up, but it's no longer the way I define myself. And that truly feels amazing.

    Thanks for asking, Nate!


  • snowbird

    How do you feel about where you are at today, compared with a year ago? Do you see positive growth in yourself? Or do you feel stagnant?

    A year ago I couldn't even I drive without my bottle of nerve pills on the seat beside me. I've definitely made progress.

    How are you handling the anger that often comes from learning that one was duped or deceived by a religious organization?

    I believe firmly in justice. The WTS is going to get theirs.

    Did you leave JWs but stick to the Bible? If so, how have you been able to do that successfully?

    I love the Bible and have the greatest respect for it. I stick to a daily regimen of Bible reading.

    Or has deprogamming yourself from JWism also led you to question religion and faith in general?

    I question everything. Anything or anybody that doesn't allow questioning is not worthy of my consideration.

    Thank you. Peace and love on your journey.


  • nvrgnbk
    How do you feel about where you are at today, compared with a year ago? Do you see positive growth in yourself? Or do you feel stagnant?

    Better than I was. I'm learning that happiness comes from within and not from the approval of a deity/parent/spouse/significant other.

    How are you handling the anger that often comes from learning that one was duped or deceived by a religious organization?

    Pretty much over the anger. Posting here so much has been very cathartic.

    Did you leave JWs but stick to the Bible? If so, how have you been able to do that successfully?

    I value the Bible as ancient literature of cultural importance. I do not have faith in it as more than that. Where it contains time-honored wisdom, I appreciate it.

    Or has deprogamming yourself from JWism also led you to question religion and faith in general?

    I believe we are all connected. Religions seem to create division and alienation.

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