Even when I was a witness...I LOVED that song! {{{singing}}}} at Oklahoma's oldest jeweler, since 1892, so give the gift you know can't fail....
I always like to get back to Oklahoma at the holiday time to hear that damn song.
by DublDipd 13 Replies latest jw friends
Even when I was a witness...I LOVED that song! {{{singing}}}} at Oklahoma's oldest jeweler, since 1892, so give the gift you know can't fail....
I always like to get back to Oklahoma at the holiday time to hear that damn song.
My dads an Okie, I haven't heard the song you're talking about but he would always sing that Old Merle Haggard song "I'm just an Okie from Muskogee".
Seeing the Oklahoma posters recently reminded me of that ;-)
"Jewelry is the gift to give, because its the gift that'll live and live. So give the gift you know can't fail, from BC Clarks anniversary sale. Most sales are after Christmas, but Clarks is just before. Everything is marked way down, savings you can't ignore. At Oklahoma's oldest jewelers, since 1892. So give the gift you know can't fail, at BC Clarks anniversary sale."
I once stood on a pool table at a hotel in Denver, CO and sang that song on a bet from my drunken co-workers. It ain't Christmas until I hear that ad at least 10 times. In fact I'm humming it now and I'm comsletely pober.
Thank you RE....
Couldn't remember how it started! (Jewelry is the gift to give...) DAMN YOU...now it's in my head again. LOL
eyrnw ....you are aweswome!
That brought a tear to my Okie eyes.....the original version, uncut! thank you!
I remember that commercial fondly and that clip really brought back memories. I heard a church choir in OK sing that once and the entire audience joined in singing it. It was the Okie Christmas Carol.
Here's an interesting tidbit from the BC Clark website:
You have found the secret page containing the original version of the B. C. Clark Jingle which contains the mysterious missing line, "The Christmas wish of B. C. Clark is to keep on pleasing you." This version aired from 1956 to 1976
I don't recall that line in the song, but then again I was six years old when they took the 'secret' line out. Do you guys remember that line?
When the B. C. Clark Christmas Jingle first aired, certainly no one could have predicted that over the years it would become the Oklahoma tradition that it is today. Intended to promote B. C. Clark’s annual Anniversary Sale, it has evolved over time into Oklahoma’s own Christmas carol.The Jingle was first written and produced in 1956, and soon it developed a life of its own. The public made that clear in 1961 when B. C. Clark produced a new jingle thinking the original one was dated and had run its course. It was replaced with the old familiar one within hours, after a barrage of complaints. One small adjustment did have to be made in 1977 when television commercials went from 60 seconds to 30 seconds. Originally 35 seconds long, the line “The Christmas wish of B. C. Clark is to keep on pleasing you” had to be edited from the original song in order to make it fit. Today, people still ask about the mysterious “missing line.”
It is very possible that the B. C. Clark Christmas Jingle may be the longest continuously running jingle in the entire United States, and in January of 2001, it made its national television debut when actress Megan Mullally, an Oklahoma City native, sang the Jingle on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno. It has been sent to service men and women overseas, sung on airplanes full of homesick Oklahomans, used to lighten the mood at church services, performed at school pageants, and it has even become a standard at many holiday songfests and concerts. Most Oklahomans will agree that it’s just not Christmas without the B. C. Clark Jingle.
The missing line...It sounds familiar and I am old enough to remember the pre-1977 version. It seems to me that I remember that line coming before the final "So, give the gift you know can't fail, from BC Clark's anniversary sale." But, I most definitely remember the words that are currently used and miss hearing that at Christmas time.