Greetings my fellow JWD posters. Yes, it's been quite some time since I've graced the on-line pages here.
I think like many people, you get in here "hot & heavy" so-to-speak, and then after awhile, you either grow tired of it; frustrated and well, peoples' reasons to leave or 'take a break' are as long as a roll of Charmin (not great for writing on mind you).
Quite frankly, I didn't think I'd find myself posting here. But after a couple of years; the occasional browsing of topics and to see how a few members were doing, I don't mind opening up the door once again periodically and add my two cents worth.
There looks to be many newbies, hell.....I don't even recognize 1/10th of the people posting on here. But that's good. Must be new people leaving the WTBTS steadily; thanks to a site like this one (and several others too).
I really don't know if I'll contribute a whole lot, as there's just so much information that I'd only be duplicating what someone else has already shared.
Maybe I'll dig up one of my old 'in-service stories' - they're good for the occasional belly laugh.
It's funny reading about 'new light'again. My goodness, the WTBTS just never gives-up does it?
Anyways, I just thought I'd relax, take a deep breath and pop-in here today on this cold Thursday evening.
My only wish here as I reintroduce myself back on to this forum is: that I don't get pepper-sprayed.
Get my back, some of my old alliances.
Many thanks!!
Nice to see you all again.