When my parents first became witnesses back in the early 70's someone came to our house to convince me of their truth. When I questioned the history of the org he told me that it started with Abel. The NWT in the section Bible Topics for Discussion on page 1652 under Jehovah Witnesses says Origins of Jehovahs Witnesses: Line of faithful witnesses began with Abel.
JW's have been around since Adam and Eve???!!!
by tribalgirl 24 Replies latest jw friends
This around since Adam and Eve is just balogna! Just more of the borgs infactuation with itself., their self importance is nauseating. they are legends in only their own minds. they think christendom quakes at their resolutions, oh please ask any "worldly" person what even one of those resolutions that they were suppose to be quaking at and no one knows not even the jdubs. What a bunch of self important egotists.
..The name "Jehovah"..Did not appear until the 14th century..It is a Catholic invention.....Without the Catholic`s..The WBT$ would not have a name for their God,or Religious Cult the "Jehovah`s Witness`s"!..LOL!!...OUTLAW
I think there was something written in the Divine Purpose book that implies/encourages this belief.
Funny thing...this string just brought back yet another memory. When I was young, just out of simple curiousity, I asked my Dad (elder) who the first JW was. He simply answered JC. Even at my young age, probably 4or 5, it just didn't ring true. Anyway, interesting thread here....
I never thought about the society actually declaring who the first JW was. We all know here that it was the convicted felon, CT Russell. I don't believe that the name was changed from "International Bible Students" in his time though? Was it? Don't think it was...so that would mean that HE wasn't even a JW!
Actually they have been long before that..they have been since the Neanterdalls, and Homo Erectus, and they were around when in first ice age 45.000 years ago...
Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit
Ok, truth is, the first JW slithered out of primordial muck 60000 yrs ago, dumped the gills in 1914 and still isn't standing UPRIGHT!
This is how jws "reason" on it.
*** w05 2/15 p. 16 par. 17 Christians—Be Proud of Who You Are! ***Throughout history, there has been a succession of witnesses of Jehovah. It extends from the faithful man Abel—about 60 centuries ago—to the "great crowd" of modern Witnesses and on to throngs of worshipers of Jehovah who will enjoy an endless future. (Revelation 7:9; Hebrews 11:4)
*** it-1 (Insight volume 1) p. 15 Abel ***Paul includes Abel among the "cloud of witnesses" of pre-Christian times.—Heb 11:4; 12:1.
(Hebrews 11:1-4) 11
Faith is the assured expectation of things hoped for, the evident demonstration of realities though not beheld. 2 For by means of this the men of old times had witness borne to them. 3 By faith we perceive that the systems of things were put in order by God’s word, so that what is beheld has come to be out of things that do not appear. 4 By faith Abel offered God a sacrifice of greater worth than Cain, through which [faith] he had witness borne to him that he was righteous, God bearing witness respecting his gifts; and through it he, although he died, yet speaks.
rs (reasoning from the scriptures) p.202-p.203Jehovah’sWitnesses***How
oldisthereligionofJehovah’sWitnesses?According to the Bible, the line of witnesses of Jehovah reaches back to faithful Abel. Hebrews 11:4–12:1 says: "By faith Abel offered God a sacrifice of greater worth than Cain . . . By faith Noah, after being given divine warning of things not yet beheld, showed godly fear . . . By faith Abraham, when he was called, obeyed in going out into a place he was destined to receive as an inheritance . . . By faith Moses, when grown up, refused to be called the son of the daughter of Pharaoh, choosing to be ill-treated with the people of God rather than to have the temporary enjoyment of sin . . . So, then, because we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also put off every weight and the sin that easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us."
With reference to Jesus Christ, the Bible states: "These are the things that the Amen says, thefaithfulandtruewitness, the beginning of the creation by God." Of whom was he a witness? He himself said that he made his Father’s name manifest. He was the foremost witness of Jehovah.—Rev. 3:14; John 17:6.
Interestingly, some of the Jews asked whether the activity of Jesus Christ represented "a new teaching." (Mark 1:27) Later, some Greeks thought the apostle Paul was introducing a "new teaching." (Acts 17:19, 20) It was new to the ears of those who were hearing it, but the important thing was that it was the truth, in full harmony with God’s Word.
The modern-day history of Jehovah’s Witnesses began with the forming of a group for Bible study in Allegheny, Pennsylvania, U.S.A., in the early 1870’s. At first they were known only as Bible Students, but in 1931 they adopted the Scriptural name Jehovah’s Witnesses. (Isa. 43:10-12) Their beliefs and practices are not new but are a restoration of first-century Christianity.
You wrote: "JW's have been around since Adam and Eve???!!!"
I have so much fun with this one.
Were the early Jehovah's Witnesses Christians? Were the early Jehovah's Witnesses pacifists? Did the early Jehovah's Witnesses practice polygamy? -
*** w05 2/15 p. 16 par. 17 Christians—Be Proud of Who You Are! ***Throughout history, there has been a succession of witnesses of Jehovah. It extends from the faithful man Abel—about 60 centuries ago—to the "great crowd" of modern Witnesses and on to throngs of worshipers of Jehovah who will enjoy an endless future. (Revelation 7:9; Hebrews 11:4)
*** it-1 (Insight volume 1) p. 15 Abel ***Paul includes Abel among the "cloud of witnesses" of pre-Christian times.—Heb 11:4; 12:1.
Funny Blondie, I am so surprised Adam did not make the cut here....The insight book lists him as the first Prophet! That would also make him the first witness, but of course not the first faithful witness...I like the fact that we don't have a classification for witnesses faith prior to Abraham....what the hey were they? How did they manage without a religion to tell them every move and how to worship??? Then the Jews had it right for awhile, but now they dont even though they had a ton of directions from god....just like Jw's today......oompa