The Myth of White Supremacy- Shattered Once and for All
by nvrgnbk 28 Replies latest jw friends
Good one! But doesn't begin to cover it.....
The Myth of Human Supremecy- Shattered Once and for All.
oh my word that was funny!
I don't believe in myths
Good post. I am ashamed of Bush as a White man and ashamed that white people made him president.
More so then Whites making Bush president he is the poster boy for fundamentalist bible thumping anti aborting Christians and the hero of the Fox network.
My my seems to be a lot of bush bashing going on today. Charles Rangel should be ashamed of himself, he is nothing but a racist imo for making a remark like that. Having someone of Rangel's ilk in the ways and means committe is a traversity of common sense. He wants to tax, tax, tax, and tax again the American People.
Jaguarbass what is wrong with an antiabortion stance? Are you for the killing of innocent babies unyet born in their mother's womb. Must be from your comment. I sure as hell don't think any of our tax dollars should be used to support this. My view has nothing to do with a fundamentalist viewpoint I'm just against the indiscriminant killing of children. IMO, abortion rights is just the rights of a mother to kill her children.
My my seems to be a lot of bush bashing going on today.
Start a thread singing his praises.
We'll see you over there.
Charles Rangel should be ashamed of himself, he is nothing but a racist imo for making a remark like that.
This white boy thought it was hilarious. Explain how that's racist. He didn't say the existence of mentally-deficient whites like Bush prove White Inferiority. He said his existence proves that whites aren't superior. Isn't there a difference?
President Bush. He worries me greatly. But, sadly, he is better than any of the democrats they've been throwing out there for the last 10 years or so. The man can't even say the word "nuclear" for cryin' out loud! Leader of the free world and can't even pronounce the word! Still..... if it comes down to Hillary or Any Other Person On The Planet..... I'd probably pick the snail.
Bush is a hypocrite, like most Republicans. Analysis: Killing fetuses is bad. Killing thousands of innocent Iraqis is good. Getting government of the backs of its citizens is good. Getting government of the back of pregnant women is bad.
Didn't the bible state that ALL killing is bad?
Charlie was just stating the obvious. Unfortunately Bush doesn't have a funny bone in his body, unless his brain became calcified. Funny that.