"Now this house, don't even walk on the driveway. Don't make any eye contact. I have heard from very reliable sources, that she is demonized. We are talking about witch-craft, and spinning beds. One elder, tried to talk to her, and he told a friend of mine, that her eyes turned a demonic color of red."
I would have liked to be a fly in that elders car!
by ButtLight 24 Replies latest jw friends
Shame, shame on all of you (for making me snort iced tea through my nose onto the keyboard)!
Dont feel bad, I just did that with a beer! OUCH
How cute is my new Doctor neighbor? I'll tell ya tonight after I hook up the zoom lenz on my camera!
How cute is my new Doctor neighbor? I'll tell ya tonight after I hook up the zoom lenz on my camera!
Good idea!
Now I don't call it stalking, I prefer to say....."Getting to know you from a far."
"Now this house, don't even walk on the driveway. Don't make any eye contact. I have heard from very reliable sources, that she is demonized. We are talking about witch-craft, and spinning beds. One elder, tried to talk to her, and he told a friend of mine, that her eyes turned a demonic color of red."
Maybe he caught wind of the glow in the dark ouija board here?
"Thank Jehovah that we aren't sinners like some who used to associate with us."