The WT says the Bible warns us about false prophets (Matt. 7:15)....and tells us we can see if they if they are false, if they say that they speak for God and make predictions in his name....yet the predictions don't come true.....the society has given no less then 6 dates for end of the world, the last being 1975.
Plus false prophets change their minds on what God thinks too.
Resurrection of men of Sodom
1879- They will be resurrected
1952- They wiill not be resurrected
1965- They will be resurrected
1988- They will not be resurrected
Separating the "sheep and the goats"
1919- will take place after the time of tribulation
1923- is taking place now, before the tribulation.
1995- will take place after the time of tribulation.
I know the "light gets brighter".....but I guess God is on a dimmer switch some times!