Just informed the sisters at my door.

by wozadummy 26 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • looloo

    that is great , you have given me an idea, i had asked the elders to make sure i was made a do not call , while our court case was going on but can i retract that so that j ws call on me again so that i can tell them the truth.

  • looloo

    thats great well done

  • looloo

    do you think the elders will let them come back to visit you noooooo way !


  • justhuman


  • wozadummy

    Hi looloo ,I warned them not to talk to the elders and they agreed it would not be wise ,I think they've got genuine love for their brothers and will warn families on the quiet.

  • LongHairGal


    The more things change, the more they remain the same.

    So, they don't really 'escort' a known child abuser door to door? I didn't think so either. It sounded too good to be true. For this to really be put into practice there would have to be a list of the known pedophiles and all the elders and MS would have to know. In effect, this person would have to be 'policed' every step of the way. Of course, this isn't happening. The WT 'spin' that is spread to the public is just that: a story for public consumption only.

    That way when an ignorant JW is asked the question by somebody at a door they will answer with this phony bullshit story about how children are 'protected'. It is sad that the JWs believe this concocted story when the reality is just the opposite. Sadly, the only way to prove it is to experience it first hand by having either your child or another child molested. I wouldn't wish this on anybody.

    Yeah, protected like the fox guarding the henhouse.


  • sass_my_frass

    Wow you did really well! You must have been on a high all afternoon!

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