When did you STOP considering yourself a JW ? ? ? ?

by JH 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • sacrebleu

    HEY! That was my 100th post! What do I get for that? LOL


  • XOCO

    what a coincidence i was just asking myself this morning. a little background info: i'm till a jw never did nothing wrong except leave home 4 1 year to go to college b/c i did not get accepted to the one closest to my house and leaving home at 18 is a BIG NO-NO. well i got a warning but chose to do what i want anyway. but back to the question i think in my little heart (i did not even know it at the time) is when people were harassing or making me feel guilty to get baptise and i told the friends at that time that i just became a publisher and i'm not ready yet ,but they try to convince me saying "you can do many things 4 jehovah like pioneer, go to bethel or even do missionary work" in my mind i was like they must be freakin DEE DEE DEES- (mind of mencia bit). another reason to is that all of a sudden i've stopped praying to JEHOVAH period, i thought well i'm really slipping away or maybe i don't really have that godly fear that i should have. I CAN'T BELIVE THAT I CONFESSED THAT HERE!!!

  • Odrade

    We were driving, about 2 hours into our 2-1/2 hour drive to Tacoma for the District Convention, and I was reading Crisis of Conscience for the first time. As we were passing through Olympia, I said, "That's it, I quit! I'm never going back."


    Sacrebleu..When you hit 100 posts on JWD..You get a SpaceShip!..Woohoo 2.....Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • AllTimeJeff

    The day I sent in my resignation letter while simultaneously leaving my marriage sort of sealed it for me....

  • wings

    The final straw was about the time my self righteous in-laws told me for the umpteenth time that it was wrong of me to let my 18 year unbaptized, physically and mentally handicaped son live with me because he smoked (outside). I was letting the demons into the family.

    They would not have anything to do with him, shunned him even though he wasn't baptized. Although they were very active in field service, they couldn't even smile at my son or offer me anything but oppression during one of the hardest trials of my life.

    I remember coming home after a round with them and asked my son for a ciggarette. I only took a few puffs, but it was the moment I knew I was DONE. I would not be like them. I stopped being a JW in my mind and heart, but it was just the begining of the five year fade.

  • minimus

    Good question! I'd say I haven't felt like a JW when I decided I was going to no more meetings.

  • Undecided

    I have no idea. Sometime in the last 30 years, especially after reading C of C. It finally hit me that I didn't believe it anymore. When I quit going to meetings and just wanted to enjoy my life I still believed it somewhat, but didn't think it was worth my current life to give in to all the demands of being an elder.

    Ken P.

  • LoverOfTruth

    I considered myself no Longer a JW the day I was Disfellowshipped. In my heart, it was much sooner.

  • rogerdodger

    Officially, after I was DF'd. Had doubts for a long time. In my JC I decided this was the last time I was going to be mistreated by elders. It was my first and only JC but I have lots of experience with shitty elders from several different halls in different areas and have watched my family and friends receive bad treatment as well in one form or another. My family that is still JW thinks I'm sooo depressed because I'm not in the org, but it's quite the opposite. I think, besides coming to terms with the fact that I'll never see my family again, I'm happier than I've been in a long time. It is quite liberating to tell workmates and others that I am no longer a JW. I was raised JW and was always embarrassed to tell others something I really couldn't believe myself. Don't have to do that any more! :)

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