New Eagles CD

by purplesofa 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • zeroday

    The last Eagles CD I bought was "Hell Freezes over" great album...I'm thinking of buying their latest, never saw them in concert though I would love to...

  • sammielee24

    They were on the Country Music Awards this past was fantastic hearing them. I want the CD! the way, if you didn't hear them Sugarland were amazing with their performance on the show - as was Allison Krauss....sammieswife.

  • Connaughty

    Iwas was just down in LA at the new Nokia theatre and saw the Eagles, live. It was the first time for me in seeing them live. Timmothy Smith had sang only one of the songs. I found out later that he had a surfing accident in Hawaii, and this affected his voice. It will need some time to get better. The CD sold out quickly in our city, and it was being sold exclusively by Wall Mart. They are definitely a great band.

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