Hi there, I hope you don't mind me posting. My sister has been a witness for it must be 25 years. When they came calling years ago she was at a low ebb and had been trying to read the bible but failing to understand it. My sister was and is the type to believe everything she reads and it didn't surprise us when she became indoctrinated into this religion. Her children were brought up to be jw's but have all since left the faith. My sister is so entrenched into the faith and her friends and social life revolve around it. It concerns me so much that as I'm sure you all know it rules her every waking moment. What she tells me about it I find nonsensical and I am torn because I am desperate for her to see the association for what it is. She will not listen to any other opinion and tells me that any literature/persons/ex witnesses are basically Judases(sp) whose sole purpose is to denounce the "truth". I just wondered if any of you could offer any advice on how I can get her to be objective as I feel like I am banging my head against a brick wall. Maybe you could share some of the reasons you turned your back on the religion. I hope some one can offer me some advice. Thanks in advance C
Worried for sister
by msiajw 15 Replies latest jw experiences
A long shot... but you could always ask her what it is really about... she may offer you a study, then armed with some info from this site you may be able to sew a few seeds of doubt.
Not sure about how much you know of JW theology but take a look at this site http://www.quotes-watchtower.co.uk/home.html
It'll give you an idea.
It's a tough situation and the reality of the matter is that there's nothing you can do to "make" her see, she has to come to her own conclusions.
I feel the same way when I try to talk to my parents. I could present irrefutable iron-clad proof to them but they would still dismiss it because in their mind they want it, even NEED it to be true.
Just have patience and always be there for her. -
There is much to learn here MSIAJW. Many have asked this question. Recently a thread mentioned that it may be too much for older JW's to give up their entire social structure, all their friend...their entire life network. Could you replace that? I can't, but am still trying to get my wife and family out before it is too late.....
Check my topic history and you will find information about how JW"S have actually changed the Bible with their New World Translation....It is a fraud, especially the New Testament where they have actually replaced the words lord and god with Jehovah 237 times without ANY ancient manuscript support. That should send up huge red flags for anyone looking at this faith....oompa
Thanks for your advice. Reading through some of this site has only confirmed my convictions 100%. I truly hope I can find something which will become a trigger for her. I feel an uphill battle coming on but I will not give up. I sense that is her thinking also, on getting me to be a jw. We are very close and I feel she wants to save me from hell and damnation or whatever, quite ironic really, but it makes me sad.
Its not going to be easy this for sure. If you look at it your sister standpoint when she leaves she will have nothing. She will feel shame and feel like she signed over her own death wish. Only thing I can think of is associating with her and ask her questions about certain beliefs without being defensive and then show her what you learn. It will take time and patience. Dont forget to around her children so you can feel her in on their lives.
If you look at it your sister standpoint when she leaves she will have nothing.
Not really, "Sailor girl".
She will have her kids back, and can work on that relationship. She did say they are already out. It will give her a starting point, with msia's help.
msia, if you could get your sister to agree on a "History Study" of the Watchtower religion, you may be able too eventually get her to see the "truth".
Look up "Captives of a Concept", by Don Cameron. It's on line at "Lulu.com", and Don also posts here. You can buy the book for 5 bucks on line and print it out, or 15 bucks, I think if ordered hard copy, which is probably cheaper because you won't use up all your ink cartridge printing it out, like I did.
The whole theme of the book is about who is the "Faithful and Discreet Slave". Check it out, and see what you think.
Welcome to the board, by the way. I'll see if I can find you a link.
Here's the link... http://www.captivesofaconcept.com/index.php
By the way, you post here anytime you want. This forum is for anybody that needs it.
Stick around and research.
Welcome Msiajw,
My husband left the org. 8 yrs before I did. He didn't like the hypocracy and backbiting. It took me a long time, I was raised as one, to come to my senses. It took the blood issue and rules that had no basis in the Bible. Everyone has to come to their own conclusion in their own time. My sister left when I did. I never saw it coming as she was the one who was such a stickler for JW's. She was even married to an elder.
All I can suggest is to do your research on the religion and use your knowledge to correct her when she states a "fact". She is trained to not listen to anyone but the org. Everyone else is a pawn of Satan trying to mislead her. Show her love and support. But be prepared to correct falacies which may come up. As your sister, she may be more inclined to listen to you.
Good Luck,
I've just been on the phone to her and it feels hopeless. She will not budge in her beliefs. She asked me a while ago to not believe her but check out the religion for myself - so I did... I asked her to be objective and query some of the scriptures but she just said she already has done and has all the proof she needs to know she is in the 'truth'. I couldn't say much as she just went on about how the religion has conquered lack of funding and surely it is Jehovah that is keeping it going! Her friends are 'better' people, more honest and reliable...my cue to interrupt...WHAT??? then she kind of back peddled, why can't she see the sort of tripe she is spouting. I love her but I detest this religious nonsense. She was in defensive mode and refused to accept any critique or listen to any alternate thinking. Her attitude was one of it doesn't matter that it sounds nonsense - it isn't because the scriptures or JW interpretation says it isn't. I really must take your advice and empower myself with an understanding so I can discredit what she says. She left me with the advice that I should go and read Mathew 24. Am I in for a revelation I ask myself.