Buffalo, you do know SDA is not JW right? We have assembly halls. BTY hindus and catholics aren't doin too bad either....oompa
If growth indicates god's blessing...
by changeling 18 Replies latest jw friends
new hall builds does mot mean growth.....when you have 4-5 congo's in one hall, sometimes the authorities reguire you to build a new one. i know of one that had to build because the septic system could not support 3 congo's, so they build a new one and sold the old one. that is not growth.
Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit
Because the Adventists let anyone in. The JWs are more selective, you know, no gays or edumacated peoplesses in there.
know of one that had to build because the septic system could not support 3 congo's, so they build a new one and sold the old one.
Too much shit coming out of one Kingdom Hall? HAHAHA
Islam is the fastest growing religion -so it must have Allah's blessing
Praise Allah, may Allah bless you all! Might as well they will be in control soon anyway.
White Dove
Geez, I hope not. But just in case, Come now all you loyal ones, praise Allah, all you faithful ones! I can't believe I finally forgot a line out of the song book:):):)
James Free
Only JW growth indicates God's blessing. Any growth seen in other religious organizations is clear evidence of their being part of Satan's world.
This is so funny because it really is their reasoning. Just like in the 90's God was speeding things up, but now He is engaged in a sifting work...hehe - whatever happens it is God' blessing, and JW's will believe it without question. I know, I was that gullible once. Even if the new service report shows negative or no growth in the major countries, brother and sister excited will still concentrate on Nepal or somewhere, where the growth will be as great as 100% - because the 2 missionaries there will have been joined by two more...hehe
How does that saying go? There are lies, damned lies and there are statistics...:) -
wha happened?
In Los Angeles many halls are merging because they get down to about 50 publishers. The rank and file blame it on the fact that it's so expensive to live here. And yet, people continue to move here. Except of course, the ignorant non educated JW's. Even with the growth in the ethnic congs, the numbers are down
God has never been impressed with numbers. Men and their religions may be but not God!!!!!!!!!!!