Mitt Romney is running for President of the United States. I see one big problem with electing a Mormon as President. Doing so will give much more respectability to the Mormon Church. Then, with Romney in the White House, the job of Mormon missionaries in recruiting converts will become easier. Many who then answer their doors to find two young men carrying the "Book of Mormon" on their door step will no doubt say to themselves, "Since the President of our country is a Mormon, the Mormon Church must be OK. So I'll listen to what these guys have to say." The problem with that is that the Mormon Church is a cult, a serious corruption of Christianity, which promotes many teachings which clearly conflict with the teachings of the Bible. Go into any Christian book store. Head to their "Cult" section. There, right next to the books about Jehovah's Witnesses and the Moonies, you will find several books telling you all the reasons Mormons cannot be considered to be Christians. If this is true, and I believe that it is, then Mormon missionaries - by promoting their corruption of Christianity are doing people great spiritual harm. And electing a "President Romney" will almost certainly help them succeed in their spiritually destructive work. I hope Republican primary voters will seriously consider this matter before voting for Mitt Romney. The polls tell us that Mike Huckabee, a good Christian man, is now giving Romney a run for his money in Iowa, the first caucus/primary state. May God be with him.
A Mormon President?
by a Christian 66 Replies latest watchtower bible
You're kidding, right?
We have a good Christian President right now.
How's that been working out?
This is some hilarious stuff!
This is the Mormon church's worst nightmare. Most people really do not know much about the Mormons this will bring it out in the open like it never has before. People will start to dig deep into thie bizare church and make some startling discoveries. I do not think Romney will get the nomination much less the Presidency...
A Christian President? In what way is George Bush like Jesus?
Mormons strongly believe in good education - they have a good points
Maybe this country needs a Bible Student for Prez.
Ever consider running for office, freyd?
Mormons strongly believe in good education - they have a good points
They also believe that God was once a man and had a harem and that all men can attain to Goddom and rule their own planet and that Jesus and Satan are brothers...That just scratches the surface...
Jesus and Satan are brothers
Isn't that a Christian teaching?
Both spirit sons of God?
Doesn't that make them brothers?
Spiritual brothers and sons of God...
I know Mormon beliefs are weird but I do admire them more than JWs -