Mine is Who Knew by Pink. Heard it first at a funeral Saturday-listen closely to the words, very fitting yet upbeat. Fab song & great album: I'm Not Dead.
Your current favorite song??
by Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit 33 Replies latest jw friends
not a recent one but one that seems to be appropriate at the moment. Radiohead "Karma Police"
Lovestoned - Justin Timberlake
the beat makes me want to dance
Burger Time
I recently heard Emma Pollacks new album...it's really good.
im wit you mrs jones!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
big d
50 Cent--In My Hood off The Massacre CD
I20--Slow Fxxxing
Oh God, I'm always on Mysapce checing out artists from abroad. Right now I'm feeling this chick from Berling called Dillon.
Her song, "andytown" or something is a remix and it makes me wanna grind against somebody's leg. I like music that makes me wanna grind against somebody's leg... don't know why.
Maybe its bcause I like grinding against people's legs or something and it gives me an exucse to...
Two Pink songs are tied for first place right now.
Who Knew
U and Ur Hand
Kid Rock "Sugar" actually the majority of the whole album.