I must take issue with your perception that kent's posting Prisca's pic as simply a matter of him being mischievous or your empathy with kent who was supposedly surprised upon realizing that she was upset about it. I understand kent's stupidity and the support he garners from his friends around here, but I thought you were more cyber-savvy than that, E-man. Somehow, I think you are.
If revealing the nature or content of private emails is one of the worse things that can be done in cyberworld, then the revealing of certain aspects of someone else's true identity -- be they one's real name, address, or pic -- is even worse so. Words fail to accurately describe how heinous his act was for posting her pic, but I doubt any of the senior posters will do much to censure him, other than to say he's a good ol' boy and was just having a little fun. I wonder if their responses would be the same if kent had targeted them, or one of their loved ones, without that one's wish or consent.
I think it's a mighty fine thing that you are so open-minded and willing to suffer the loss of the relationship with your mother, but then that is YOUR decision. You have, of your own accord, chosen to post pictures of yourself, your sons, your daughter-in-law on the net. Perhaps you have gone to even greater lengths to expose your identity.
That's wonderful, and you are to be applauded, I guess you want others to say. But the difference is that YOU made that decision, and therein lies the major difference that your post seems to ignore. It's ludicrous, in my mind, to suggest that it stunts one's "maturation" for a poster to want to maintain a level of anonymity. If that were true, kent could be counted as one of the most mature individuals around, and everyone knows that is worlds away from the truth.
Whatever the reason is, even if it is "immature" to you, one's desire/need to remain anonymous is their (our) decision and theirs alone. People with any integrity will continue to honor that.