What JW Doctrines do you agree with? e.g. no hell , no trinity

by UnConfused 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • UnConfused

    So what JW doctrines do you still agree with?

    How about the Trinity?

    Do you believe in Hell?

    Is Jesus also Michael the Arc Angel?

    Immortal soul?

  • Junction-Guy

    The only JW belief I believe in is that the Bible is the word of God, other than that we part ways.

    I believe in the trinity, hell, and just about everything else the JW's dont believe in.

  • Mary

    I still agree with their view on the Trinity, even though their translation of John 1:1 is on pretty shaky ground.

    That's probably just about it.

  • Junction-Guy

    So Mary do you believe in hell?

  • uninformed

    Unconfused and Mary and Junction Guy

    I believe that there is no Hellfire.

    The Trinity is up for grabs. The father son relationship is pretty complex, not like what humans can relate to. I have read a lot of stuff by the early church fathers regarding the substance of Christ, and 1800 years ago they couldn't figure it out either.

    The NWT has a lot of trouble too with what verse to apply to God or Christ in some places, giving me the hint that they don't know either.

    With regard to belief in the Bible, I want to so badly that I can't see straight, but the one thing that bothers me about it is that so many people can read it and be devoted to it, and still argue with each other about what it means and teaches.

    This has caused me to wonder, If God wrote it, why didn't he make himself clear?

    So, for now, I am just a lost soul.

    If God would just make himself plain it would suit me. The American Indians called God something like "WATONKA", which means when translated, "Great Mystery".

    I have been delivered to stupidness as a reward for knowing everything for 45 years!!!!


  • skeeter1

    No smoking on a regular basis.

  • littlerockguy

    I believe that religion is a snare and a racket

  • wanderlustguy

    I really don't like the "no oral sex" thing, I mean what kind of man comes up with that?

    Sorry, I know it's a "family" environment here, but without that, how in the hell would we have families?

  • bob1999

    The JW's believe in hell, but for Satan only.

  • wanderlustguy

    Umm, yea I mean...ummm

    I disagreed with the whole UN things I mean with all that, stuff... there.

    *figuring out how to go back and edit a post.*

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