Ever had the "privilege" of ...

by Frequent_Fader_Miles 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • mrsjones5
    I attended the international convention in San Francisco at Candle Stick Park in 1978 I think what a joke seeing hundreds of witnesses down on Market street with their yellow liturature bags...I believe Michael Jackson was at that convention....

    I was there! It didn't seem all that special except the Candlestick part...different from Oakland and a bit colder.

  • Cicatrix

    Yes. The only thing I got out of it was the "privilege" of getting to see some of the other attendees in their native garb, which was pretty cool. There was a group from the Czech Republic, and I wondered if any of them were my relatives (I have "dozens of cousins" over there I have yet to meet). But then I thought about my grandpa being an atheist, and decided probably not

  • buffalosrfree

    The International DC's are probably only international because they invite people from another country, big deal, I think there was one in San Diego not too long ago. If so isn't was much. They all have the same program don't they? I don't believe a different one is drawn up for just those particualr Dc's. It's just the same ole same ole only with people from different parts of the country there.

  • stillajwexelder

    no and I am not bothered about attending one either. I used to think the only advantage was hearing a GB speaker, but we get those every summer any way in Kansas City

  • 38 Years
    38 Years

    I've attended a couple since 1968. They were always a big deal. but I was a young kid at the time and totally brainwashed. I can't remember the dates but I think one was in Buffalo, NY and one was in Philadelphia, PA. Everyone would have to save their money to go, including us. These were the conventions where you could hear the bigwigs talk, like Knorr, Schroeder, Henchel and Franz. Everyone was in awe of them. But I do remember, most people brought binoculars that would be passed around so you could locate your friends. You would have to bring or share umbrellas to shield yourself from getting a sunburn (I'd get one anyway). Then if it rained, what a pain. All those poor people with little kids and all of us covering up with plastic. But the show would go on.

    I noticed most people spent their time looking around the stadium until it was a really important talk. It was fun to notice those that fell asleep. I think the only thing I learned from it was how to survive in large crowds, and handle outdoor stadium events.

    My mom told me they are planning another International Convention. Does anyone know if this is true?

  • Superfine Apostate
    Superfine Apostate

    we had several international conventions around here in central europe. i always liked the italian girls.

  • BluesBrother

    Sure, there have been a few over the years . London's Twickenham Stadium has been the venue, except for 1969 when we had the old Wembley Stadium .

    Differences? The crowds are bigger, Lots of foreign "brothers", some Africans and Japanese in traditional dress. That used to cause a stir but I do not think that it would do these days..More books are likely to be released ..The programme would go on for 5, or more days .

    If you are motivated by all that , it is great, if not then it is just another Assembly..

  • Midget-Sasquatch

    I went to the special convention held in Montreal back in 1985. The dub functions were dreary as always but Montreal itself was wonderful. My being only a very young teen at the time sort of limited what I could do but I loved spending time in old Montreal.

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    Yep, went to Montreal in 1978. I remember those little yellow bags we had and took in service with us. I spoke no French and had a little card for the people to read the presentation.LOL Spent the sessions with my cousins fooling around. Went swimming in the hotel pool every night, good times!


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