I'm so confused!

by Snoozy 16 Replies latest social family

  • justhuman

    it is confusing

  • lesterd

    They have a channel thats just for that life style.

  • R.Crusoe

    I do not understand some of you on this board! Who said they would like their children to know about sex before being sawn? Since when does being sawn follow sex? And if you saw someone being sawn after sex would that be preferable to the other way round? One may be easier than the other but I defer on both counts!

  • shell69

    To add my humble oppinion; I'm okay to see sex scenes in the company of my two older children (16,17),, son aged 13... well it would depend upon the content, son aged 10, I'm a little stricter with and would ask him to cover his eyes if I thought that what he was seeing was too adult for him.

    Movies, I would never endorse any of my children attending the cinema and watching a film for which they are not entitled to see. An 18 cert is for 18yrs and older. End of.

    However; You have made me think here, coz I allow my 10 yr old to play play station games of... in some instances cert 15.

    Hmmm I need to think abou this.

    Cheers guys Shell69

  • steve2

    Some are more accepting of violence on TV because it's received as "entertainment" whereas sex scenes are kind of embarrassing???

    That's a bit of strange logic, in my view.

    Who knows how young minds "receive" the violent message? I as an adult might think the violence is "only" entertainment. However, the possibility that exposure to televised violence desensitises viewers to destructive ways of behaving cannot be ruled out.

    BTW, I too change channels when sex scenes come on; not because I'm a prude, but simply because sex scenes are bor-ing - especially when the music swells and the bodies roll round and round and round. It all looks so ridiculous. Perhaps I am more judgemental that I'm aware of. Yawn.

  • Maddie

    There is evidence to support the theory that children watching violent behaviour by role models in the media or in the family are more likely to copy it. In my opinion young impressionable minds are open to this influence. However, not everyone turns into a homicidal sex maniac by this influence so perhaps it is certain types of personalities that will copy violence. It's all very theortical still, but I didn't feel as a mother with young children that I wanted to let them watch violent films orprogrammes.


  • chelsea

    R.Crusoe, lol!!!!!!

    I meant in life, not in movies. I would want my children to know that sex is not inherently wrong, but violence - including sexual violence, is.

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