I have a unique way of doing time (prison rares its ugly head as a thought), I sit with my animals and talk to them and once in awhile I mention that I thank god for them. Sit with them 20 minutes a day and in seven days wa la 2hrs and 20 min x 4 weeks + 2 days left over and you have the magical 10 hrs every month. What a deal huh? Makes as much sense as dropping of mags at a laundry, hospital waiting room, or handing them out to people before they realize what they are. Remember talk to you pets and thank god for them, then you will have time.
How do you do time in the field ministry?
by buffalosrfree 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
lmfao.............. hey at least this way your not possibly contaminating people with cult bulls***..........
me personally i say F them and give them a big fat 0 to make up for those long pioneer hours i wasted
I quit 7 years ago
I had a few tricks. Once, when we went to a bookstore to hit on other customers, I just went where there were none and browsed through books in unpopular sections like those diet books and books that exposed secrets of what's in your food. Needless to say, I didn't place anything (I did, however, make a return visit to the bookstore and bought one of those books).
Another is by walking back from the Kingdumb Hell. For that to work, no one could show up (and that was rare except if it was very hot or very cold). I would hold out a couple of magazines in such a way that no one would see them, and I placed nothing. Later, I would head down a small hill and back up, a 45 minute walk, where no one would be there, and count that as an hour of field circus.
Ultimately, I stopped trying. I just blew it off totally. I didn't even put in a time slip. I wonder if Brother Hounder put one in on my behalf, just to inflate the averages, showcase someone as being a total reject from the opposite sex and still getting upward of 250 [fake] hours per month, and/or having me be the one that pushes them above 7 million in hopes of getting me ostracized by the apostate community in the process (I actually dissuaded one person from continuing a study since going apostate).
38 Years
I knew two pioneer sisters who counted their time going through their return visit books and discussing who they should call on and what they would say. This was during a 30 minute to 1 hour coffee break. It didn't bother their "conscience" at all. As for me, I lost a lot of hours when I had to go out in service with them. I should have ignored that little voice in my head that told me it wasn't right. Maybe it's not too late to turn in that field service slip?
buffalo...........big d is dallas
big d
I don't
Let's see. on the first of each month, I would ask my wife, "Honey, how many hours, RV, studies, and mags do you want for the month?" We pioneered for 3 years and rarely went out, and yet, always did out quota.
during my "me" time, I yell "Oh god" acouple of times.
My field report is full of sh... imagination! The elders see me as an example to follow.