Merriam-Webster French-English Dictionary
Main Entry: peddler
Function: noun
Usage: English word
: colporteur (masculine), colporteuse (feminine)
Merriam-Webster Unabridged Dictionary
Main Entry: col·por·teur Pronunciation Guide
Variant(s): also col·por·ter \kälprd.r,-pr-\
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s):-s
Etymology: French colporteur, alteration (influenced by porter à col to carry on one's back, literally, neck) of Middle French comporteur (from comporter to hawk, peddle, carry, bring together)+-eur -or -- more at COMPORT
: a peddler of books, especially of bibles and religious books and tracts; also : a missionary or publicist for some usually religious cause
What were the early Russellites asked to become?
1980 Yearbook, p.56 France
A call for colporteurs was published in the October 1921 issue of the French Watch Tower. The preaching work was being carried out mainly through the distribution of the book Millions Now Living Will Never Die. The Society printed a special letter for the brothers to use in offering this book to their relatives and friends.
There is no way a French speaking person could understand "colporteur" as anything OTHER than a peddler. They began as peddlers of the word of God. They carry on that same grand tradition to this day, and congratulate themselves for it.
2 Corinthians 2:15-17 — For to God we are a sweet odor of Christ among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing; to the latter ones an odor issuing from death to death, to the former ones an odor issuing from life to life. And who is adequately qualified for these things? For we are not peddlers of the word of God as many men are, but as out of sincerity, yes, as sent from God, under God’s view, in company with Christ, we are speaking.
They were NOT sent from God. They were NOT under God's view. They ARE NOT in the company of Christ. They just speak. Endlessly.
Ecclesiastes 12:12 — As regards anything besides these, my son, take a warning: To the making of many books there is no end, and much devotion [to them] is wearisome to the flesh.
But these false apostles of Christ brag about the number of books they publish and distribute. They are indeed wearisome. Ask any JW whether they have found the time to read everything the Watchtower Society publishes. Then ask if they ever feel guilty for not doing so.
If they say they have read it all, they are lying. If they say they don't feel guilty for not reading it all, then they are either lying or they are apathetic toward what the Governing Body tells them.
How different Christ Jesus is.
Matthew 11:28-30 — "Come to me, all YOU who are toiling and loaded down, and I will refresh YOU. Take my yoke upon YOU and learn from me, for I am mild-tempered and lowly in heart, and YOU will find refreshment for YOUR souls. For my yoke is kindly and my load is light."
The load JWs carry is not light at all. It is very weighty. Peddling God's word is hard work, and their religious leaders tell them nothing is more important right now than to carry out that hard work. It is not Christ's load, it is one invented by men who claim to speak in Jesus' behalf. Their peddling works prove they do not speak for Jesus.