ANTI-Witnessing: "Bold" JW cuts and runs

by Nathan Natas 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    A week or so ago my friend Danny Haszard informed me of a website that was permitting discussion of the JWs and their blood worshipping idolatry (my terms, not theirs). I was in a mood fit for a fight, so I thought I'd participate.

    I think I made some valid points and offered some good counter-arguments.

    So today I was notified of a new post in that thread:

    A new comment has been posted to "WatchTower Society
    Requirement: Jehovah's Witnesses refuse blood
    Author: jamph

    Message: Nobody need answer to ME, but you WILL speak for yourself.

    "As for those intensely hating Jehovah, they will come cringing to him..." (Psalm 81:15)

    As long as you continue down this path, the Creator of all things (the goodness that you claim to represent) HATES you for maligning His namesake organization.

    Repent, beg the Almighty for forgiveness and worship him in spirit and truth.

    [There will be no response]

    and it appears the thread is now unavailable. If anyone has some Tana Leaf Tea and is able to revive the thread, feel free to kick some heads! (The heads are already dead, so it won't be like you'd be HURTING anything.)

  • kls*

    As long as you continue down this path, the Creator of all things (the goodness that you claim to represent)
    HATES you for maligning His namesake organization.

    Hates you ? and let me guess, they are Gods voice and they speak of Hate

  • Satanus

    Kick the deadheads. That sounds like a good name for a band. Poor jw deadhead;)


  • 2112

    Wow Nathan, I wish I had God speaking to people I don't know and hho don't know me about his love or hate for me. At least you now know where you stand! This anonamous person was told and he informed you of your eternal destany. I'm sure your relieved.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    It seems I spoke too soon -- the link now seems to be working.

    I invite anyone who wishes to visit the site and PILE ON!

  • Clam

    I noted this erudite position . . .

    Iam not a jehovahs witness…….i wanna be one and i will..let me just say thus, blood is sacred and i do believe persnally that blood transfusion are wrong and may even lead to what they try to prevent death. With the increase of tatoos, viruses ect blood transfusion are extremly dangerous and need much consideration. Most person from what i have read fer death… prolonging life is stupid………… if u so much believein god let him do his work if a person is meant to die the will not even blood transfusion can sve them.. i wish pplz would leave the jehovah witness organization alone and quit trying to prolong live u cant live this life for ever so stop fearing the unknown .build a bridge and get over it..death is normal if u are perfect which u are not u must die. it is in dying that u are born to etenal life according to catholics so see death as a positive………. why prolong life in these current conditions..death is must!!!!!!!!!
  • MinisterAmos

    >>why prolong life in these current conditions..death is must!!!!!!!!!<<

    HMMMMM Other than lacking the 49 Virgins part, this really sounds just like one of the PLO's suicide bomber profiles.

    Are you listening Homeland Security?

  • knock knock
    knock knock

    houw long til the wt orginazaton beegin uzing thez obveeusle inttlignt -wannabe- witnises upon the ritin staph? i thank that wud be sutch a gud thing if they wuz 2. dont u?

    dephenders uf writchisniss unight.

  • Hortensia

    don't you like how eloquently he defends his position? Really knows how to turn a phrase. And as for "death is a must," all I have to say is, "you first."

  • sf

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