Where does a JW start to research?? It's all LIES

by horrible life 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    good question where should a jw start? I was talking to 2 23 year old jw's yesterday. for over an hour. and they never researched a single thing I asked them. but they claimed to know it all. and every time I asked . they tried to change the subject. or claim they know ie. about the wt being taxed in france etc. but in an hour they knew nothing about what I was asking. I got into the the trinity booklet, and how the wt lies or misquotes next to every reference. well the girl finally woke up a bit, as she had the trinity booklet. I told her test all or any of the references in it. then ask your self If what I've been telling you for an hour about the wts writing dept. as being liars? at one point I told her jw boy friend point blank if he don't stop laughing at me, b/c he can't answer any of my questions honestly. he might get smacked. after a few yes or no questions he admitted he never did any research on any of the things , he claimed before. I left them politely and told them to prove all things the wts prints as true.

  • momzcrazy

    Honestly? I started reading the Bible. Even the NWT shows in the Gospels how far off the mark they are. I started thinking about scriptures without WT influence. Meanings completely changed. Eventually though they will have to do "apostate" research.

    When I started researching on the internet, if they quoted a Watchtower, I looked it up myself if I could. And any scriptures were looked up too. It took me months and I had books everywhere. Really reading old bound volumes and the Proclaimers book was damning enough. I started to think it was like the Mormons, one man's invention.


  • freyd
  • flipper

    Start researching the secret database files locked away in vaults at Bethel headquarters ! Find out about the 25,000 or so who are still in the organization so their identities can be revealed at the next service meeting at announcement time! Any volunteers for a secret covert agent to go with me, break into Bethel and find out where the dirt is ? Secret agent Mr. Flipper speaking here. Let me know !

  • Emmylou

    I was fading and realizing how so much was wrong in the WTS. I would go to meetings really reluctantly but had to at that time. So to keep occupied when scriptures were cited, I would read the whole chapter. I realized almost every scripture cited was out of context or did not apply to how it was being used. It was amazing to me because I had no idea. A close relative who was ahead of me in the process of fading told me to read all the scriptures in context. It was so tangible and easy to see.

  • V

    Thier own Watchtowers of course.

    Comments You Won't Hear at the WT Study
    For example, last week's study was full of Logical Fallacies. Check it the discussion here.

  • WTWizard

    They are not supposed to research anything beyond the current Watchtower litter-ature. This means using the current editions of the CD-ROMs and Puketower index. The Hindsight books are also recommended, as are the latest editions of the Revelation book, the All Scripture Inspired book, the Fallacious Reasoning Book and the Bible Teach book. Anything outside this realm is forbidden.

    Of course, if one were objectively seeking accurate information, I would not recommend any of these sources. The reason why the Tower recommends them is that they all support the Tower. I recommend looking through the apostate Web sites and the Bible itself. Go through any original out of date publications you can find, and you will find out about their history. That will give you a better view of the organization than any Watchtower sources that they now recommend.

    In addition, you can look through the Crisis of Conscience book. Of course, if you do that, they are going to have beyond a stroke (they might have Marfans syndrome if they catch you researching that source). That is because that book exposes the real truth behind the organization and how it's run. And they don't want you to know that. So, I highly recommend that as a research tool.

  • skeeter1

    I would start with the "How Can Blood Save Your Life" booklet. Start with the medical quotes. You can get most of the quoted materials in a University library.

    "Jehovah's Witnesses, Blood Transfusions, and the Tort of Misrepresentation" by the Journal of Church & State goes through the blood booklet, and shows how the Watchtower misquoted source after source. There's no "apostate" material, as it's mainly the Watchtower's quote compared with the real quote. Youc an order the Misrpresentation paper by going to https://www.baylor.edu/church_state/index.php?id=36672 for $4.00.


  • stillajwexelder

    the bible itself with a true open eye

  • OnTheWayOut

    V points out using the WT COMMENTS. That is one way.
    Point out to a JW what's wrong with the article.

    "That's a logic flaw."
    "That's not consistent with the lesson of the good Samaritan because..."

    The book, CAPTIVES OF A CONCEPT teaches you how to point out flaws
    in the religion using the PROCLAIMERS book. If you search for other books,
    you will find many that tell you how to specifically cause JW's to start thinking.
    I have only had a small measure of success with any of these methods.

    Steve Hassan's second book, RELEASING THE BONDS, suggests little
    mini-interventions with cult members. Each time you talk to them, you try to
    get the true personality to think and speak, not the cult personality. This is a
    slow process, but it may be the best one for JW's.

    I said this on another thread today: When you find a solution, please share it
    with the rest of us. We are all looking for a way to do what you ask.

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