.....Within 6 months..A minimum of 50%...OUTLAW
How many Witnesses would stop going to meetings if..............
by TooBad TooSad 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Somewhere around 50% I think.
Unfortunately there are a great number of JW's who actually like their "spiritual paradise", so a lot would still end up staying, but just as many would see it as license to leave.
Maybe more people would go along if association wasn't coercive.
Hmmm maybe 50%. Like the above poster said, alot like the prospect of living forever, so would stick it out to reap the reward. Then there are those who question and those that don't. Some are happy just to follow blindly, others one foot in, one foot out. My guess would be at least 50%. I know I'd leave in a second if my family would!
If I had to guess I would agree with the 50% estimate.
Quite a number might stop going.
the first month 25%, then like Outlaw said 50% in six months- at that pont the core of the KH has been gutted and it would be a continual slide in meeting attendance. They might just close the doors within a year when they remaining JW's can't keep the bills paid up.