I was sitting here thinking about it, and I'm sure some would disagree, but.... 1. The ministry exposed me to alternative interpretations to scriptures that I likely never could have gotten past. (i.e. First-born in Col 1:15, meaning ruler or heir instead of first creation). 2. The ministry hinders many people from becoming JW's in the first place (Probably more than it brings in [Look at Mormon or Adventist growth]) 3. Opens the organization up to public scrutiny ( i.e. blood issue, scandals, J-references [if no one witnessed to skeptics how would the average JW know they were being deceived?]) Any thing I'm missing?
Why I'm thankful for the ministry...
by LayingLow 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I'm thankful for their ministry, they directed me to Jesus through their magazines, I was able to get a thirst to look at the bible and then to read it, I found Jesus thank's to the Jehovahs Witnesses preaching and bible litrature. Praise the Lord.
LAYLOW: 2. The ministry hinders many people from becoming JW's in the first place (Probably more than it brings in [Look at Mormon or Adventist growth]) 3. Opens the organization up to public scrutiny ( i.e. blood issue, scandals, J-references .....................
So are you saying that other offbeat religions listed are way bigger because they lack the ministry of JW?
And what is your take on the J-references.....almost nobody mentions them or seems to care....where is the scrutiny?......oompa
James Free
I found Jesus thank's to the Jehovahs Witnesses preaching and bible litrature. Praise the Lord.
Now if only he could find you! I think I'm going to throw up...
Do real jw's say 'praise the lord'? I never heard of that.
Fresia, you think you found Jesus? which one would that be? Michael the angel Jesus, Jesus the man who was not the savior at birth Jesus, Jesus who' s body was disposed of by gasses (see old wt's) or maybe even He is under glass in heaven Jesus, Jesus who got Michael's memories or ? what ever back and then Jesus actually does not exist anymore Jesus? The Jesus who is 'a' god Jesus? just which Jesus do you think you found?
The ministry hinders many people from becoming JW's in the first place
well if most did then then Jesus would be lying. Matt7:13-14, its the message they reject its not personal.
Carla you are right, no real JW would say Praise the Lord, but I never said I was a real JW.
JF said...
Now if only he could find you! I think I'm going to throw up...
be my guest
I should have been more specific. I heard a talk by a person who I believe was a bethel representative once. He said 'What do you think holds many back from becoming Jehovah's Witnesses? It's the preaching work. They don't want to do it. So, even if they believe it, they wouldn't join. If we officially stopped doing door to door, people would flood in. And we know that, but we won't stop to be popular." I believe he's right.
I think more people would be JW's if they didn't force you to go out in service.
How much do you hear about other high-control religious movements ( certain Oneness Pentacostals, etc.. )
Now, I may be biased in this because we[ex-jws] concern ourselves with more JW-scrutinizing information that anything else (Like Oneness scrutinizing material)
Because of the witnessing work, people are familiar with JW's. Some then begin to create anti-witness arguments and scrutinize things like "why do you put the name in Jehovah in the New testament these 273 times? Mine doesn't have that." Where one, as a faithful follower of the WTBS would never have questioned it. Now, because of the witness work, it has been brought to their attention.
fresia, I gathered you were not a JW. It was the JW's that got you interested in the Bible. I think that's true of many people. So many times I would study with people and they would get excited about the Word again, and then return to whatever church they had been inactive in. Most witnesses would get upset by that, but I always found a little joy in it. Even when I thought the place they were going back to taught some false things. I guess that most any time an extreme kindness has been experience by me from someone else, it was usually by a person motivated by faith in Jesus. Which is why when a person truly lived the life of Christ, even if they held some incorrect beliefs, I always viewed it as better than someone who didn't live the life of Christ, even if they had the right teaching. Just my observation... -
Amber Rose
Me too! The only people who would talk to me in the ministry were the ones that were trying to prove me wrong. I wondered why god would be directing me to the homes of people who were trying to pull me out. Thanks all you guys!