Thought I'd share my Thanksgiving menu:
Baked Ham
Fresh Collard Greens
Fresh Green Beans
Candied Yams
Baked Mac & Cheese
Stuffing (homemade of course)
Homemade rolls
Sweet Potato Pies (6)
7-Up or punch bowl cake (undecided on that one)
So, who has their menu together? What are you planning on and are you having dinner at your house or going to friends or relatives? I know many of JWD'rs don't have their families or extended families to share this day with, but hopefully even if it's only you and your spouse, or spouse and children, or even just friends, all will have something to be thankful for.
Me? I'm thankfull to have a wonderfull husband and healthy children, although I wish my oldest son was with me or at least speaking to me. I have an awesome career, friends as well as extended family (hubby's side). I'm also thankfull to have JWD and all of you that have become my cyber friends Thanks for being here!
So what about you guys?