Hypothetical Question

by purplesofa 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • Magick

    i think a 4some is in order...and let the bullets fall where they may. (i know it's chips...but, bullets were more visual)

  • Junction-Guy

    That's a good question, and the answers will vary so much.

  • BFD

    What if they decide to procreate and thier kids are gay?


  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Then they'll have really bad tv shows. ;-)

  • uwishufish

    Someone mentioned Barbara Bush isn't her picture on the one $ bill?

  • blueviceroy

    Hypothetical Answer :( Please look , just for a minute K ?) http://members.shaw.ca/yofrizb

  • ssrriotsquad

    Wouldn't the world go POOF?

  • Gretchen956

    ahhhh dammmmit, purps is syphoning all the humor from my thread! oops, there is no humor on my thread. nevermind

    To be honest, many gays and lesbians have married heterosexually all throughout history, mostly for safety or security sake. Trust me, there isn't a real active sex life in a lot of cases. Probably what would happen is that either they would find a way for the turkey baster to work or they would have sex only for the procreation and still couple up by their hearts.


  • Finally-Free
    Will those couples go against their sexual preference to keep humankind from going extinct?

    What for? Kids are just a damned nuisance anyway, and there would obviously be a shortage of babysitters.


  • veradico

    It seems to me that even though a large number of gay men in ancient Greece and Rome record their being attracted to other men, they nonetheless had wives by whom they begot children. Marriage and procreation was an adult duty; pleasure and friendship might be a nice side benefit for some. I tend to agree with whoever said that with the right fantasy ejaculation is possible, whatever the source of the friction. This does not mean the sexual encounter would be satisfying, nor would it involve the emotional openness and sensitivity usually associated with a romantic relationship. Many gay people are married to people of the opposite sex even nowadays. I can only imagine how inauthentic they must feel--as if they are writing all the time with the wrong hand, or something similarly out of harmony with their nature. And, of course, it's profoundly unfair to the their spouse.

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