I finally ordered this book from the book store as I have heard some good things about it . Also want to know more about how cults i.e. Jehovah's Witnesses and other cults think so as to see how to communicate with more insight to my witness daughters 20 and 19 . The book is by Steve Hassan and others have told me I should get it . So, I'm looking forward to reading it. How about you folks ? Have you read the book? I would like your takes and opinions please and then I'll kinda know what I can look forward to. Don't worry, it won't spoil it for me ! I look forward to your opinions please ! Thanks, Peace out, Mr. Flipper
Combatting Cult Mind Control- Has Anybody Read This Book ? Your Opinions
by flipper 28 Replies latest jw friends
I have read the book
Chapter 5 on Cult Psychology is very insightful.
It helped me to see that the JW way is like a cult.
What makes a person vulnerable to cults? he is probably approached during a stressful time in their life.
I was having major problems in my marriage and was looking for help when I was approached by a witness at my door. Ever hear witnesses answer the question, Why do we go back to the same houses......and the answer is....things happen in their life that will make them hear the truth? That ususally means some kind of trauma and the householder is down.
The book completely helped me to see how controlling the JW religion is. Because it did not single out JW's in particular I was able to take the general information and apply it to my own experiance without feeling like it was "apostate"
As I am glancing over the pages, I think I will read it again. I think I read it a couple of years ago, early in my exit and the information may be good to go over again.
PURPS- Thank you for your insight. It is true, witnesses did used to make that statement you said! I forgot about that ! It's been so long since I've been in ! "Try to help someone who is downtrodden, and looking for something in their life to change ." Ecch! Gives me chills just saying that ! Wow! Can't wait to get my copy of the book! Want to help my daughters not waste their entire life on a cult, and any prospective grandchildren I have ! Thanks of the ( Get people out of cults class ! )
Loved it. In that book, Steven doesn't mention the Jehovah's Witnesses by name even once, but he describes them so thoroughly that you know he understands what he's talking about. Great read!
MOUTHY- I'm glad it helped you my friend ! I'm definitely looking forward to it ! Already read " Crisis of Concsience " last year, been wanting to read this too !
ABANDONED- It is good Hassan didn't mention Witnesses by name in the book as it will help you form your own opinion objectively that way ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper
Its great. Take his advice in the front of the book and wait till you have read it all before talking to your daughters about what you are learning.
I actually think his next book Releasing the Bonds is even better. It was written 10 years later and he has refined and softened his approach.
awesome book!
JWFACTS- JW, thanks. I will read it carefully before using the techniques of reasoning on my daughters to reason with them.
GARY BUSS- Thanks, I will have to read Hassan's second book after reading the first one ! Sounds good !
WANDERLUSTGUY- Great ! More good feedback. Can hardly wait till it comes in ! Thanks