Yup good old Sambo's restaurant, was great cause back in the day we could go there and for ten cents and of course a tip for the waitress we could have a bottomless cup of coffee and set there and BS most of the day, and then leave our tip and a Watchtower and Awake and count it as a placement.
There was this bowling alley called Hill Top Lanes in my town, that me and a few of us would go to, we would force our selfs to hang with the friends for about an hour or so in field service then we would say that we have a few return visits we have to go to, we would get there and bowel a few games and drink a few beers and then call it a day and of course leave a few old magazines there. And when I was really young me and this dude would go to the Gray Hound Station and pass out a few tracts then play pin ball till about 1:00 PM and count the time. Ah what fond memories.
Oh one more, I would once in a while get a hair cut at this place called The Razors Edge in the town I lived in, it was real swanky they would give me a cup of coffee and a Play Boy magazine and prep me up till my turn came for the hair cut, and of course I would leave my tract and a tower and count the time; incidentally I took a circuit overseer there he came glady when I told him I would pay for his hair cut, the dude actually enjoyed it and grined the rest of the day.