I'm against their policy and I donated blood so far once....it wasn't a good experience for me but I am willing to give it another try when I can free up my schedule and take a week off to recoup after donating, sigh. I am a universal donor and they keep calling me to give!! I would like to but the after affects I just can't deal with at a moments notice.
Do you condemn the Society's no-blood policy and still do not DONATE BLOOD?
by nicolaou 60 Replies latest watchtower medical
dropped a few pints over the years, doesnt hurt and you get free cuppa/biscuits
I give everytime I can, I was in Europe just before my first donation but the area and timing were fine,I think the questionaire here asks if you have visited Europe within a ceratin time frame. since I am O-negative I get phone calls when the supple in FT, Smith shows low, seems the type is in need for babies. so when I get a call and there is a mobile nearby I donate, unless as has been mentioned I am anemic, which happens, I take it as a reminder to work on my iron intake.
The U.S. doesn't want my gay blood. If I were going in for surgery, I'd have my own pre drawn and saved. I'd give blood to a family member, and accept from a family member, but not from a stranger.
I'd give blood to a family member, and accept from a family member, but not from a stranger.
Not sure about the USA but that attitude would not be tolerated in the UK. If you need a blood transfusion be grateful that some charitable stranger has gone through the trouble of donating for you.
White Dove
Since when is self protection from other people's germs an "attitude?" If I have a chance to save my own blood for my future use, I would do it. Totally clean blood is impossible to obtain. There is a risk that, if I can, I would prefer to avoid. If it is not possible to save my own blood in time, then yes, I would take someone else's. Otherwise, I would rather be safe and really know the doner before I take that person's blood.
I'd give blood to a family member, and accept from a family member, but not from a stranger.
Not sure about the USA but that attitude would not be tolerated in the UK. If you need a blood transfusion be grateful that some charitable stranger has gone through the trouble of donating for you.
Sorry if it hurts, but MY interest is in protecting MY body or the body of family, the emotions of strangers comes third or fourth down that list. MY blood "is not good enough" for the blood network, so what? Does that hurt my feelings? No, becauseI don't care what they think. I don't want or need 'kudos' for doing a good thing. Personally, I've though about being a blood marrow donor, but wonder if I'd face the same issues with being gay and all that crap. I don't use drugs or Rx, so for the most part I KNOW my blood is clean.
As for my "attitude" and not being "tolerated", WTF? Its MY body , I can put in it --or NOT--whatsoever I choose, and if someone else gets huffy over that, then they have emotional immaturity issues and need to realise that what I do to me is not about them.
I donated blood, for the first time in 20 years, just last month. And I was sure to tell the nurse about my former beliefs when going over her list of questions. She had definite opinions that criticized the JW's policies.
Of course I we agreed on that one.
: ) -
Yep I give blood have given over one gallon so far...
Thankfully, I am on too much heart meds.
I say thankfully because when they take blood for a test, they have to try four or five times, burst my veins, turn me black and blue. One blood test took 45 minutes to get enough blood and the nurse and I were both crying by the time they got done.
Now I am more aggressive about asking for someone who is good at hard draws, but I still have a hard time.